Asynchronous Performance of Multidimensional PPM Codes for Optical CDMA Systems

J.S.G. Panaro and C. de Almeida (Brazil)


Optical CDMA, optical communications, PPM codes, unipolar signaling, asynchronous performance.


This paper analyzes the asynchronous error performance of optical code-division multiple access systems utilizing one-dimensional and multidimensional PPM codes. The multiple access interference is characterized by continuous probability density functions in all cases, thus allowing the investigation of the performance of actual asynchronous O-CDMA systems employing on-off keying (OOK) and on-off orthogonal (OOO) signaling. Both types of detectors are examined: conventional (SUM detector) and hard limiting (AND detector). For OOK signaling systems, the error performance degradation due to deviations in the detection threshold is studied. Moreover, for OOO signaling systems, besides the error performance of the conventional detector, a quasi-optimal minimax detector, which does not require threshold estimation, is proposed and analyzed.

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