An Experimental Hybrid FSO/RF Communication System

A. Akbulut, M. Efe, A.M. Ceylan, F. Ari, Z. Telatar, H.G. Ilk, and S. Tugac (Turkey)


Hybrid FSO/RF, laser communication, link availability


This paper presents an experimental free space optical (FSO) communication system combined with a redundant radio frequency (RF) communication link that provides high availability and continuous communication even in adverse weather conditions. The experimental hybrid system provides a wireless connection between the two of the five campuses of Ankara University that are located at different locations in the city. In this paper, the necessity of such a system is explained, rationale behind the selection of the design parameters is given and the structure of the hybrid system is outlined. Some results regarding the link availability and the communication traffic of the system that has been operational for over 4 months are also presented(1). .

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