Performance Monitoring Challenges of Next Generation Networks

A. Vukovic, M. Savoie, and H. Hua (Canada)


optical performance monitoring (OPM),fibre-optic communications, all-optical networks (AON).


Communication transmission systems continue to evolve towards higher data rates, increased wavelength density, longer transmission distances and more intelligence. Further development of dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) and all-optical networks (AON) will demand ever-tighter monitoring to assure quality of service (QoS). Traditional monitoring methods prove to be insufficient. Higher degree of self-control, intelligence and optimization for functions within next generation networks require new monitoring schemes to be developed and deployed. Both perspective and challenges of performance monitoring, its techniques, requirements and drivers are discussed. It is pointed out that optical layer monitoring is a key enabler for self-control of next generation networks. Aside from its real-time feedback and safeguarding of neighboring channels, optical performance monitoring ensures to enable building and control of complex network topologies while maintaining efficiently high QoS.

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