Performance Analysis of Space-time MMSE Multiuser Detection for DS-CDMA Systems using FEC in Frequency-selective Fast Fading Channels

W. Hamouda and P. McLane (Canada)


DS-CDMA, convolutional coding, performance analysis, fast-fading channels


This paper investigates the uses of soft-decision convolutional coding (SD-CC) in a space-time multiuser detection (MUD) system over asynchronous multipath Rayleigh fading channels. From our work, we obtain an approximation for the probability of bit error of an uncoded direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system that employs space-time MMSE-MUD over frequency-selective channels. It is shown through system simulation that such an approximation is very accurate when compared to exact results. Employing SD-CC in the space-time channel, we obtain a close form expression for the bit-error rate (BER) upper bound which is shown to be quite tight. In this paper, the use of our analytical results is considered as a simple tool in performing a trade-off analysis of various system parameters. Importantly, an estimate of the improvement in system user-capacity that accrues due to error control coding is determined.

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