Alternative File Transfer Mechanism for UNICORE: GridFTP

D. Breuer (Germany)


AFT, GridFTP, File Transfer, UNICORE, EUROGRID,Globus


Many Grid applications must be able to transfer large data sets. Consequently, they need a high-performance, secure and robust data transfer mechanism. As part of the EU ROGRID project the UNICORE (Uniform Interface to Computer Resources) architecture has been extended to use other file transfer mechanisms as alternatives to UNI CORE's internal transfer mechanism which is based on java streams. GridFTP, developed in the Globus project, is a de-facto standard for file transfer in Grid environ ments. It extends the popular file transfer protocol (FTP) with new features required for data intensive Grid applications, such as parallel and striped data transfer and partial file access. Thus, GridFTP as an alternative file transfer mechanism within the UNICORE environment was the obvious choice. In order to gage the usefulness of the alternative transfer mechanism, its performance has been evaluated and compared with the internal UNICORE data transfer mechanism. In addition to efficient data transfer, security requirements are also fundamental to grid design. As a precondition of the integration of GridFTP into UNICORE both security infrastructures (Globus and UNICORE) have been con sidered.

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