The System Response Time of E-mail Servers Through Routers in WAN

Y.-W. Bai and C.-J. Cheng (Taiwan)


E-mail Server, System Response Time,Queueing Model, Router, WAN.1.


Due to the increasing size of files attached to e-mails, the load of an e-mail server can be very heavy. Thus, in this paper, we propose a queueing model both to analyze the performance of e-mail servers and to analyze the use of the routers within WAN. In addition, we use the queueing network analysis tool (QNAT) to simulate the operational characteristics of e-mail servers and the use of a couple of the routers. Both methods and models show that when the average data arrival rate increases, the system response time will increase and when the number of routers e-mail passes through is increased the system response time will also increase. Therefore, we also propose a couple of strategies to reduce the system response time. These strategies include (1) doubling the CPU speed, (2) installing dual CPUs, (3) using a suitable distribution system, and (4) using an express lane with two separated queues. In addition, to reduce the system response time with the use of routers, we suggest limiting the number of routers. Overall, from the analysis and simulation results of the proposed strategies, we learn that an e-mail server that uses multiple CPUs, faster CPUs, and multiple servers will have an improvement in the system response time, due to the increase of the overall service speed.

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