A Token-based Secure Routing Protocol in Ad-Hoc Networks

B.-N. Park, J.-W. Kim, and S.-K. Lee (Korea)


Ad-Hoc Networks, Secure Routing, Authentication


Ad-Hoc networks unlike conventional networks consist of only mobile nodes and have no support infrastructure such as base stations as mobile switching. There exist serious security problems in these Ad-Hoc networks due to the mobility of nodes. Unfortunately, there are still not many proper protocols for these problems. To provide secure routing in Ad-Hoc networks, it is essential to authenticate each node. Therefore, this paper proposes a token-based secure routing protocol in which each node should have a token in order to participate in the network operations for secure Ad-Hoc routing. The proposed protocol authenticates nodes with token, hash function, and digital signature so that it can provide safety to set up a routing path.

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