ALMAP, A Multicast Middleware in Efficient Realization of a Secure Group Key Management Protocol

S.T. Vuong and J. Shao (Canada)


ALMAP, Application-Level-Multicast, Communication systems, Dynamic Peer Groups, TGDH


Reliable dynamic peer group communication is an increasingly active research area with the growing popularity of collaborative applications. We and other researchers have been exploring peer-to-peer application level multicast architecture to support dynamic peer group communication. In previous work, we have designed and implemented ALMAP- an application level multicast approach to peer-to-peer dynamic group. Theoretical analysis and preliminary performance testing results are promising. To investigate the application of ALMAP, the work presented in this paper interfaces ALMAP as a communication toolkit and integrates TGDH a tree based group security agreement application. Our results indicate that ALMAP is a simple, effective, and efficient dynamic peer group communication toolkit with some attractive features.

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