Active Microgravity Isolation using Linear Parameter-varying Techniques

F. Zhang, I.J. Fialho, and K.M. Grigoriadis (USA)


nonlinear systems, parameter-dependent sys tems, uR control, vibration isolation, aerospace systems.


This work considers the use of linear parameter-varying (LPV) methods for the control of stiffness hysteresis in ac tive microgravity vibration isolation systems. We assume that the hysteresis model is known, and describe it using a stiffness parameter that takes values in a compact convex set. The proposed parameter-dependent controller is con tinuously scheduled on real-time measurements of the pa rameter, and provides guaranteed stability and performance for the full range of parameter variability. The method is applied to a simplied model of a microgravity vibration isolation system with an umbilical stiffness hysteresis non linearity. Simulations show that the parameter-varying de sign is stable and that the desired robust isolation perfor mance is achieved over the range of displacements consid ered. The results are compared to those obtained with a xed uR controller.

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