Energy-Efficient Link Adaptations in IEEE 802.11b Wireless LAN

N. Ramos, D. Panigrahi, and S. Dey (USA)


Wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11, Energy Effi ciency, Link Adaptations


The growing popularity of Wireless LAN-based connectiv ity has increased the use of IEEE 802.11b as an edge access technology. However, with the ability to support high data rates and a wide range of applications, data access in these networks poses a significant demand on limited energy re sources of mobile devices. In addition to the application demand, energy consumption can be significantly affected by varying channel conditions. In order to alleviate the energy constraint, in this paper we explore the potential for adaptations in the link layer, and present an energy-efficient IEEE 802.11b Data Link Layer. We specifically study the effect of three parameters: fragmentation threshold, transmission power, and retry limit on energy consumption. Based on the study, we design run-time adaptation policies that monitor current channel conditions to appropriately set the parameter values dynamically. We demonstrate that significant energy savings (17 - 44%) can be achieved by enabling dynamic adaptation in the IEEE 802.11b Data Link Layer.

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