CriptoQoS: Middleware for the Development and Management of Distributed Applications with Integrated Support to QoS and Security

F. Meylan, A.E. Guelfi, and S.T. Kofuji (Brazil)


: Middleware; Management; Multimedia Applications; Security; Quality of Service (QoS)


. This paper describes a proposal for the integration of Quality of Service (QoS) and security management. This proposal was motivated by the application development difficulty when dealing with these two areas. The model proposed served as basis for the deployment of a middleware called CriptoQoS, designed to support the implementation of distributed applications. The major contribution of the CriptoQoS is to make the developers able to use QoS and security concepts on their projects without the need of specific knowledge of these areas. The CriptoQoS overhead utilization is evaluated by a prototype, performance tests and scalability analysis.

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