Graphic Simulation of Remote Handling Operation using Virtual Master-Slave Manipulator

J.S. Yoon, S.H. Kim, T.G. Song, and J.Y. Lee (Korea)


ACP, Master-Slave Manipulator, LLTI, Graphic Simulation, Tele-operation, TCP/IP socket


The master-slave manipulator (MSM) is widely used as a remote handling device of radioactive materials in a hot cell. The process equipment to be installed in the hot cell should be optimally placed within the workspace of the wall-mounted slave manipulator(SM) as well as the SM should be properly positioned and oriented for the dedicated maintenance operation. Hence, the workspace and the motion of the SM should be analyzed before installing the SM and the process equipment. For this purpose, the 3D graphic simulator, which simulates the remote operation of the SM, is developed. The process equipment and the SM are drawn in 3D CAD models using IGRIP. The graphical model of the SM is activated only by the GSL(Graphic Simulation Language) and CLI(Common Line Interface). Therefore, one simple motion of the SM requires numerous sets of input data of each joint. Thus, the continuous motion of the SM can be hardly represented. To deal with this problem, in this research, the tele-operation interface system has been developed using an external input device such as a space ball. The interface program of external input device with 6 DOF is designed using the LLTI(Low Level Tele-operation Interface). The experimental result shows that the system provides much-improved human interface characteristics and shows satisfactory response characteristics in terms of synchronization speed. For this purpose, the 3D graphic simulator, which simulates the remote operation of the ACP has been established. Also the tele-operation interface system for the slave manipulator has been developed. The interface system closely connects the graphic simulator to an external input device using the low level tele-operation interface. 2. Graphic Model of ACP Equipment 2.1 Overview of ACP The objective of ACP is to treat the spent fuel in a molten salt (LiCl) bath to remove volatile and high-heat load fission products and thus, to convert the spent fuel into a metallic form, which is more suitable for disposal in a repository. This process will be implemented in the IMEF hot cell at KAERI. The process consists of several unit processes such as decladding, voloxidation, reduction, and smelting processes.

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