Model for Content Delivery in Mobile Internet Services

J. Silvennoinen, V. Avatchanakorn (Thailand), and D. Batanov (Finland)


Mobile Internet, Mobile Browsing, Content Delivery, Smart phones, XML


The traditional mobile Internet service applications design structure is based on the design of the service applications in non-mobile Internet. In there a client application sends a request directly to the service application, which handles the request and sends a reply back to the requesting client. The structure works well when the clients using the service have similar capabilities and features. The design processes for this type of service environment doesn't need to take account the special features of client applications. This often leads to a design where the service is build as one block. This design structure makes service adaptation to changes in service environment very hard, in most cases adaptation to changes have to be handled by constructing a new service application. In the non-mobile Internet this approach works fine, since most often the service environment stays same over services life time. In mobile Internet new client features are introduces in accelerating pace and so for service applications should be designed to be more adaptable to changes in their service environment. This paper introduces a model for content delivery, which is designed to achieve better adaptation to changes and also designed to maximize the usability of mobile services.

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