Clodomiro Unsihuay-Vila, Thiago Da Luz, and Erlon Finardi
Day-ahead operation planning, unit commitment, wind power, spinning reserve, hydrothermal coordination
This paper presents a computational model for the day-ahead scheduling of integrated hydrothermal and wind power generation in which is suggested an optimal spinning reserve requirement allocation to mitigate the intermittent and uncertain nature of wind power. This spinning reserve can take different values depending on the desired system reliability level, and the reserve is supplied optimally from hydro and thermal units. The proposed hydrothermal-wind unit commitment (HTWUC) model is a very complex non-linear mixed-integer (MINLP) problem which considers the transmission system, and more practical and rigorous modelling of hydrothermal units such as uptime and downtime, prohibited operating zones, high nonlinear production function and the cost coordination with the medium problem by means of a future cost function. In this paper, different scenarios show the effect on the operation cost when the spinning reserve (to mitigate the intermittent and uncertain nature of wind power) is provided only by hydroelectric, only by thermoelectric or by both sources. Results show that the power systems could have a lower operation cost when the spinning reserve is appropriately provided by the hydro- and thermoelectric generations.
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