Jon D. Patrick, Leila Safari, Yuzhong Cheng
Data representation and visualization, Health care infor-mation systems, data analytics.
Extracting knowledge from data is essential in clinical research, decision making and hypothesis testing. So, providing a general solution to create analytical tools is of prime importance. The objective of this paper is to intro- duce a special purpose query language, Clinical Data Ana- lytics Language (CliniDAL), based on features in an earli- er CliniDAL in which a user can express and can compute answers to any question that is answerable from a CIS. Question and answer categories include point-of-care retrieval queries, descriptive statistics, statistical hypothe- sis testing, scientific experiment complex hypotheses and semantic record retrieval. In addition due to the im- portance of time in the clinical domain a temporal model is proposed and integrated into CliniDAL. The experi- mental results reflect the capability of the language in creating desired queries via restricted natural language. Also integrating clinical ontologies like SNOMED helps unifying terminologies of various CISs.
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