T.J. Hammons∗
Marine technology, waves, tidal power generation, power genera- tion economics, energy resources, marine technology, power system economics, tidal power generation, wind energy
This paper examines energy potential of the oceans in Europe and North America: tidal, tidal current stream, wave, and offshore wind. It considers ocean wave and tidal power projects in San Francisco, wave power technologies (oscillating water column (owc), overtop- ping devices, float systems, and hinged contour devices), and cost. Feasibility assessments of offshore wave and tidal current production are described, and wave project results are given. US wave en- ergy resources, feasibility definition study sites, feasibility study for wave energy conversion (WEC) devices, demonstration-scale plant design, commercial-scale plant design, learning curves, economics, and recommendations are discussed. Then, recent progress in off- shore energy technology development including offshore wind-power is evaluated. It summarizes research and development in USA and Europe by the world’s foremost renewable energy authorities.
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