Steady-State Analysis of Grid-Connected Fixed-Speed Wind Turbines

K. Ra jambal, B. Umamaheswari, and C. Chellamuthu


Wind turbine, induction generator, nonlinearity, modelling, reactivepower compensation


The effects of variation in grid voltage and frequency on the performance of the grid-connected wind electric conversion system (GCWECS) are studied for various wind velocities. The induction generator, wind turbine, and other network components are modelled using Matlab/Simulink. The model has been made realistic by considering the nonlinear variation of Rm and Xm of the induction generator. A simple simulation procedure is developed to predict the system performance, and the results are presented. The dynamic reactive power compensation using thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) is also studied, and the best location for the compensating capacitor is suggested.

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