Effect of Fault Current Limiter on Shaft Torsional Torque

D. Iioka, H. Shimizu, Y. Yokomizu, T. Matsumura, and I. Kano


Shaft torsional torque, fault current limiter, distributed generation, natural oscillation frequency


We investigated the influence of a resistive type (R-type) and inductive type (L-type) fault current limiter (FCL) on the behaviour of the shaft torsional torque of a synchronous generator installed in a consumer system connected to a utility distribution system. In the case that the generator has relatively low natural oscillation frequency f0 under about 40 Hz, the L-type FCL suppresses the maximum value of the shaft torsional torque τsm to lower level than the R-type FCL. The R-type FCL with low limiting resistance may instead increase τsm under the condition of low ƒ0. On the other hand, for higher f0, R-type FCL limits τsm at any limiting resistance as well as L-type FCL. The limiting effect of R-type FCL on τsm is larger than that of L-type FCL.

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