As you prepare to submit your manuscript, please print out this list and check-off each item as it is completed. Failure to conform to the format requirements will result in your paper being sent back to you, and a delay in publication. Download checklist.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- The paper must be written in the English language.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- The paper must contain the following sections: Title, Author Information, Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and References.
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- The title is in upper case letters and centered on the page. The author's names are centered under the title.
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- Information about the author's department, university and e-mail address is provided. Do NOT include phone and fax numbers. If information is different for each author, multiple asterisks (*, **, ***) are used.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- Headings and subheadings are flush left and set in boldface including "Abstract" and "Key Words" and are in upper and lower case letters (title case).
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- Numbering of sections begins with the introduction, which is given the number 1. (no Roman numerals). A period appears after the number.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- For subheadings, the numbers used are 1.1, 1.2, etc. If a subsection must be further divided, the numbers 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc. are used and the number and associated title are set in italics instead of boldface.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- The first paragraph following a heading or subheading is flush left and all paragraphs that follow are indented.
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- Figure captions appear below the figure, are centered and in lower case letters. When referring to a figure in the body of the text, the abbreviation "Fig." is used.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- Table captions appear centered above the table in upper and lower case letters. When referring to a table in the body of the text, use the entire word. For example, "Table 1" (do not abbreviate).
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- Equations are numbered (1), (2), etc. When referring to an equation in the body of the text, only the number enclosed in round brackets is used. A colon is inserted before an equation is presented, but there is no punctuation following the equation.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- British/Canadian spelling is adopted. Please pay particular attention to the spelling of "modelling" and "catalogue". Acronyms are spelled out at first mention, but not thereafter.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- Manuscript is in double-spaced, single-column format.
![[ ]](images/check.png) |
- An acknowledgement section can be presented after the conclusion, if desired.
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- References are numbered and listed in the reference section in the order that they appear in the text, NOT in alphabetical order by author's names. When referring to a source in the text, only the numeral enclosed in square brackets is used for identification (i.e., [1]). No reference to the author is necessary. All references are collected in a reference section at the end of the main text (see document template for formatting references).
Please note that journal title and volume number (but not issue number) are set in italics.
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- Biographies of authors are provided (120-150 words). The authors' names are set in italics.