Efficiency Improvement of Lattice Map Generation for Simulating the Spread of Fire by Electronic Housing Map

M. Xie and H. Noguchi (Japan)


Lattice-map-generation, Simulation, Cellular automata, Spread of fire, Forecasting, Electronic housing map


Forecasting the spread of fire in the aftermath of an earthquake by simulation is useful for prompt fire fighting and selection of resident evacuation routes. We have been developing a simulation system using Cellular Automata (CA). The map data of the simulated region is necessary to forecast a fire by CA. This research introduces an electronic housing map into the fire simulation system for improving the lattice-map-generation process. In the system designed in this study, a lattice map can be prepared by reading the color information of the buildings as soon as a region is specified. This process has greatly shortened the time to create the lattice map and simulates accurate shapes of the buildings. Moreover, a method is proposed to arrange cells suitable for the urban districts of the Gobo-Hidaka area, in which a fire was simulated.

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