Virtual-Reality Rehabilitation Utilizing a Haptic-Enabled Hand Function Test

Alexander Cermak, John K. Holmen, Mehrdad H. Zadeh, and Javad Dargahi


Accomodating People with Disabilities, Computer Based Learning, Virtual Reality Rehabilitation, Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test


Rehabilitation exercises present people suffering from hand disabilities (e.g. as a result of a stroke) an opportunity to regain lost motor skills. A very common example of such exercises are the tests comprising the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test. These exercises have been proven successful in helping to regenerate basic hand function by training patients to perform basic tasks paralleled to generic motor functions of the hand used in every day life. Means of improving these tests through a haptic-enabled virtual environment will be examined with the assistance of human factors studies. This examination will be conducted for the purpose of tailoring tests to varying severities and conditions of patient motor function impairment. Specifically, this exploratory study will examine the test consisting of stacking checkers. Results indicate that providing the user with haptic assistance in the form of a gravity well and collision improves task performance.

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