A Resource-Oriented Grid Meta-Scheduler based on Agents

K. Sakamoto and H. Sato (Japan)


Grid, Agent oriented computing, Job scheduling


A computational Grid, as an emerging framework for pro viding globally distributed computing resources to our desktop, has been established as a new programming en vironment. In particular, a new Grid research for utiliz ing a large number of busy computers is indispensable for further development of Grid. In this paper, we concen trate on Grid scheduling problem. To cope with unstable availability, low reliability, and mixed operation policies that are still serious problems in metascheduling, we pro pose ASF, Agent-based Scheduling Framework whose idea is dual to the conventional metascheduling. ASF is com posed of a single discreet metascheduler and a collection of autonomous agents attached to each computing resource manager. Each agent autonomously finds jobs to be pro cessed, instead of being assigned a job to by a omnipo tent metascheduler. We implement a prototype of ASF, and prove its effectiveness. Our experiment shows that the total elapsed time of job processing is reduced by 11%.

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