Steganography in Wireless Application Protocol

M. Shirali-Shahreza (Iran)


Information Hiding, Internet Security, WML, WAP, Steganography, and Mobile Phone


Mobile phone and Internet technologies have progressed along each other. The importance of both these technologies has resulted in the creation of a new technology for establishing wireless Internet connection through mobile phone, known as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). However, considering the importance of the issue of data security and especially establishing hidden communications, many methods have been presented. In the meanwhile, steganography is a relatively new method. In this paper, a method for hidden exchange of data has been presented by using steganography on WML pages (WML stands for Wireless Markup Language, which is a language for creating web pages for the WAP). The main idea in this method is hiding encoded data in the ID attribute of WML document tags. The coder program in this method has been implemented using the Java language. The decoder program to be implemented on the mobile phone has been written with a version of Java language specifically used for small devices, which is called J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition). It was tested on a Nokia series 60 mobile phone.

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