Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems    (PDCS 2011)

December 14 – 16, 2011
Dallas, USA
Editor(s): T. Gonzalez
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Databases and Concurrency FreeSubscription
757-064 Effect of Network Topology on the Performance of Adaptive Speculative Locking Protocol
Waqar Haque, Pai Qi, and Shah Nahid Mahmud
757-036 An Unexpected Scalability Bottleneck in a DBMS: A Hidden Pitfall in Implementing Mutual Exclusion
Takashi Horikawa
757-019 Non-Determinism Replica Execution Consistency Algorithm
Junling Wang and Yan Cai
757-045 RTO-RTDB: A Real-Time Object-Oriented Database Model
Nada Louati, Rafik Bouaziz, Claude Duvallet, and Bruno Sadeg
Track Security FreeSubscription
757-008 Designing a Secure Epidemic based Update Protocol for P2P Systems
Manghui Tu, Dianxiang Xu, Zhonghang Xia, and Logan Smith
757-027 Runtime Monitors as Sensors of Security Systems
Sajjan Shiva, Ramya Dharam, and Vivek Shandilya
757-016 A Security Framework for Service Overlays: Operating in the Presence of Compromised Nodes
Jinu Kurian and Kamil Sarac
757-113 Virtualization based Secure Execution and Testing Framework
Srujan D. Kotikela, Satyajeet Nimgaonkar, and Mahadevan Gomathisankaran
757-100 Hash Function Keccak: Exploring Parallelism with Pipeline
Fábio D. Pereira, Edward David M. Ordonez, and Ivan D. Sakai
Track GPU Applications FreeSubscription
757-018 An Exploration of OpenCL on Multiple Hardware Platforms for a Numerical Relativity Application
Niket K. Choudhary, Sandeep Navada, Rakesh Ginjupalli, and Gaurav Khanna
757-012 Simulating Species Interactions and Complex Emergence in Multiple Flocks of Boids with GPUS
Alwyn V. Husselmann and Ken A. Hawick
757-077 Color Image Edge Detection based on Quantity of Color Information and its Implementation on the GPU
Jingxiu Zhao, Yonghong Xiang, Laurence Dawson, and Iain Stewart
757-058 Calculating an Approximation to a Union of Balls using a Graphics Processing Unit
Christian Trefftz, Gregory Wolffe, Igor Majdandzic, and Joseph Szakas
757-070 Acceleration of Ant Colony Optimization for the Traveling Salesman Problem on a GPU
Kazuta Kobashi, Akihiro Fujii, Teruo Tanaka, and Kazunori Miyoshi
757-061 GPGPU-based Algebraic Multigrid Method
Kosuke Takahashi, Akihiro Fujii, and Teruo Tanaka
757-014 GPGPU DFA Membership Tests
Beorn Facchini, Yousun Ko, Min-Young Jung, and Bernd Burgstaller
Track Scheduling and Load Balancing FreeSubscription
757-042 Light-Weight Load Management Protocol based on Reservation and Feedback Loops
Anna Schwanengel and Gerald Kaefer
757-071 Critical Task Re-Assignment under Hybrid Scheduling Approach in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems
Gopalakrishnan T.R. Nair and Christy A. Persya
757-010 An Adaptive Mixed Approach of Load Balancing for Heterogeneous Cluster of Workstations
Babar Majeed, Haroon Rashid, and Kalim Qureshi
757-032 Resource-Constrained Static Scheduling of Synchronous Data-Flow Graphs
Timothy W. O'Neil
757-040 A Recursive Adaptive Scheduling Scheme for Large-Scale Workflows
Masaki Matsumoto, Kazuhiko Ohno, Takahiro Sasaki, and Toshio Kondo
757-062 Heuristic Approach to Multiple-Job Submission: A Case Study
Yashwanth Chintana and Bijaya B. Karki
757-106 Fairness Evaluation of Backfilling Schedulers using the Net-Benefit Approach
John Ngubiri
Track Multithreading and Multicore Computing FreeSubscription
757-029 Evaluation of Executing DGEMM Algorithms on Modern Multicore CPU
Pawel Gepner, Victor Gamayunov, and David L. Fraser
757-066 Comparing Implementation Platforms for Real-Time Stream Processing Systems on Multi-Core Hardware
Oleg Danylenko, Welf Löwe, and Sara Rydström
757-083 Exploiting Thread Level Parallelism by Loop Unrolling along Wavefronts
Johann Steinbrecher and Weijia Shang
757-039 Dynamic Selection of Speculative Paths in Two-Path Limited Speculation Method
Hiroyoshi Jutori, Kanemitsu Ootsu, Takashi Yokota, and Takanobu Baba
757-060 Parallelizing Sequential Programs using a Selection of Available Tools and Techniques
Karen Bradshaw and Waide Tristram
757-057 Performance Estimation of Speculative Multithreading through Whole Program Path
Kanemitsu Ootsu, Takashi Yokota, and Takanobu Baba
757-073 A Class of Queuing Network Models for Multithreaded Processors
Miao Ju, Hun Jung, and Hao Che
757-115 Parallel EDMD Simulation on Multi-Core Architectures
Umut Demirtaş and Fatih E. Sevilgen
757-067 Bottleneck Identification for Multithreaded Processors
Miao Ju, Hun Jung, and Hao Che
757-068 Thread-Locking Work Stealing under Parallel Data List
Jorge Buenabad-Chávez, Edgar F. Hernández-Ventura, Miguel A. Castro-García, José L. Quiroz-Fabián, Graciela Román-Alonso, and Daniel M. Yellin
757-110 Performance Improvement of Hot-Path based Thread Partitioning Technique by Unifying Loop Parallelization
Kanemitsu Ootsu, Takashi Yokota, and Takanobu Baba
Track Algorithms FreeSubscription
757-098 Unfolding Synchronous Data-Flow Graphs
Timothy W. O'Neil
757-056 A Concurrent Red Black Tree
Juan Besa and Yadran Eterovic
757-107 A Scalable Algorithm for Compiler-Placed Staggered Checkpointing
Alison N. Norman and Calvin Lin
757-063 Cycler: Improve Heap Management for Allocation-Intensive Applications with On-the-Fly Object Reuse
Lijuan Xiao and Xiao-Feng Li
757-116 SP-Multicast Trees for Grids
Teofilo F. Gonzalez
757-023 Vector Generations in Neural Network Computations
Naohiro Ishii, Toshinori Deguchi, Masashi Kawaguchi, and Hiroshi Sasaki
Track GPU Frameworks FreeSubscription
757-044 Multi-Objective Local Instruction Scheduling for GPGPU Applications
Constantin Timm, Frank Weichert, Peter Marwedel, and Heinrich Müller
757-037 A Model based Approach for Computing Speedup on Parallel Machines using Static Code Analysis
Ioannis Zgeras, Jürgen Brehm, and Tobias Sprodowski
757-097 A GPGPU Programming Framework based on a Shared-Memory Model
Kazuhiko Ohno, Dai Michiura, Masaki Matsumoto, Takahiro Sasaki, and Toshio Kondo
757-050 HPC.NET: Enabling .NET Programs for GPU-based High Performance Computing
Hsuan-Hsiu (Senshaw) Ou, Spencer Davis, Chaochao Zhang, and Hai Jiang
757-041 Implementation of Multiple-Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic Library for GPU Computing
Takatoshi Nakayama and Daisuke Takahashi
Track Wireless Networks FreeSubscription
757-046 Flexible Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks based on Quality of Observation and Communication
Hiroaki Higaki
757-102 Maximum Capacity Reservation Method in Wireless Multihop Networks
Yuki Tatsuno and Hiroaki Higaki
757-047 Location-based Information Management without Stationary Server Nodes
Hiroaki Higaki
757-072 LNNE: A Neural Network Ensembles-based Localization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
Jun Zheng and Asghar Dehghani
757-069 A Weighted Grid-based Routing Protocol for MANETs
Hussein Al-Maqbali, Khaled Day, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Abderezak Touzene, and Nasser Alzeidi
Track Distributed Systems and Services FreeSubscription
757-021 A Non-Stop Distributed File System with I/O Replication on Proxy Servers
Akihiko Nishitani and Tomohiko Ogishi
757-099 The Feasibility of Moving Terabyte Files between Campus and Cloud
Adam H. Villa and Elizabeth Varki
757-108 Using Trade Wind to Sail in the Clouds
Charles Miers, Marcel de Barros, Marcos Simplício, Nelson Gonzalez, Pedro Evangelista, Walter Goya, Tereza Carvalho, Stefan Hellkvist, Joacim Halén, Jan-Erik Mångs, Bob Melander, and Victor Souza
757-112 PAWS: A Toolkit for Analyzing Web Service Performance using Proxies
Michael D. Rogers, Sheikh Ghafoor, and Rob Dye
757-059 Overlaying an Opportunistic Virtual Storage System on the UnaGrid Infrastructure
Mario Villamizar Cano, Arthur Oviedo, Harold Castro, and Juan Osorio
757-080 Search on the Cloud File System
Rodrigo Savage, Dulce Tania Nava, Norma Elva Chávez, and Norma Saiph Savage
757-022 An Efficient Topology Construction Algorithm for Mesh-Pull Peer-to-Peer Streaming Networks
Tomoyuki Ishii and Atsushi Inoie
Track Computer Architecture FreeSubscription
757-005 The Impact of Inter-Node Latency versus Intra-Node Latency on HPC Applications
Gilad Shainer, Pak Lui, Tong Liu, Todd Wilde, and Jeffrey Layton
757-038 Execution Environment on FPGA for Smart PC Hetero-Cluster
Kiyoshi Hayakawa and Keita Ito
757-081 Directoryless Shared Memory Coherence using Execution Migration
Mieszko Lis, Keun Sup Shim, Myong Hyon Cho, Omer Khan, and Srinivas Devadas
757-101 Achieving High Throughput in High Radix Switches using Asymmetric Crossbar
Kefei Wang, Heyin Zhang, and Ming Fang
757-052 Implementation of a Singular Value Decomposition Module on an FPGA
Masoud Hosseinimehr and Norma Montealegre
757-009 Performance Analysis of Different Multiplication Strategies in Reconfigurable Hardware
Umer N. Misgar and Muhammad Hasan
757-114 Power- and Cooling- Aware Parallel Performance Diagnosis
Rashawn L. Knapp, Karen L. Karavanic, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, and Andres Marquez
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $224.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $161.70 (Online) ;  $190.40 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $224.00
Online Edition $161.70
CD Edition $190.40
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISSN: n/a ;
ISBN: 978-0-88986-917-2 ;
ISSN (CD): n/a ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-907-3 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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