Advances in Computer Science and Engineering / 690: Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications    (ACSE 2010)

March 15 – 17, 2010
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Editor(s): A. Rafea
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Algorithms and Computational Theory FreeSubscription
689-001 Improving Sequential Feature Selection Methods' Performance by Means of Hybridization
P. Somol, J. Novovičová, and P. Pudil (Czech Republic)
689-035 Control of Temperature in a Batch Reactor using an Inverse Model - The Feedback Part of the Algorithm
G. Karer, I. Škrjanc, and B. Zupančič (Slovenia)
689-048 A Simplified Architecture for the Implementation of Viterbi Algorithm
S.Y. Ameen (Bahrain), A.K. Al-Sulifany, and M.H. Al-Jammas (Iraq)
689-071 Performance Study of the Most Commonly Used Image Retrieval Evaluation Methods
S.A. Chatzichristofis and Y. Boutalis (Greece)
689-082 Succinct Representation of TTSP Graphs and its Application to the Path Search Problem
Y. Itokawa, J. Miyoshi, M. Wada, and T. Uchida (Japan)
Track Computational Intelligence FreeSubscription
689-006 A Cooperative Robot Path Planner based on Cellular Automata and Artificial Ant Colonies
K. Ioannidis, G.Ch. Sirakoulis, and I. Andreadis (Greece)
689-009 Trajectory Tracking for a Linear Formation of Robots
G. Klančar, S. Blažič, and D. Matko (Slovenia)
689-027 Recursive Fuzzy Model Identification
D. Dovžan and I. Škrjanc (Slovenia)
689-057 Application of Artificial Neural Network in Handicap TV Voice Control
M.A. Massoud and A. Mahguob (Egypt)
689-101 An Integrated Control Chart Pattern Recognition System using Correlation Coefficient Method and RBF Neural Networks
M.-S. Yang, J.-H. Yang, and C.-Y. Lai (Taiwan)
Track Software Engineering FreeSubscription
689-003 Prototype of Repository System to Support Software Component Re-Use
B.Y. Alkazemi and S.M. Almajnooni (Saudi Arabia)
689-018 Fit Data Selection based on Project Features for Software Effort Estimation Models
K. Toda, A. Monden, and K.-i. Matsumoto (Japan)
689-029 A Transformation Algorithm for Configurable Business Process Reference Models based on UML Activity Diagrams
Y. Badr, H. Hosny, and S.G. Aly (Egypt)
689-034 A Software Design Analysis Tool for Class Diagrams
H. Hosny and D.K.A. Rizk (Egypt)
689-080 Semantic Search based on Multi-Agent System and Social Networking
S.M. El-Sherif, B.H. Far (Canada), and A. Eberlein (UAE, Canada)
Track Computer Architecture and Distributed Systems FreeSubscription
689-014 Bandwidth Preservation Tree Peer to Peer Algorithm
M.A. Mikki and M.R. Al-Khoudary (Palestine)
689-020 Hierarchical Execution: A Technique for Utilizing Multi-Cores to Improve Single-Thread Performance
R. Mameesh and M. Franklin (USA)
689-022 Computer Interfacing Electronic Boards for Building Management Systems
I. Damaj (Kuwait), R. Abaji (Saudi Arabia), and Z.A. Osman (Lebanon)
689-059 Efficiency Improvement of Lattice Map Generation for Simulating the Spread of Fire by Electronic Housing Map
M. Xie and H. Noguchi (Japan)
689-085 OFDM System Performance Enhancement using Discrete Wavelet Transform and DS-SS System over Mobile Channel
S.Y. Ammen, M. Alfarras (Bahrain), and W.A. Hadi (Iraq)
Track Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science and Technology FreeSubscription
689-010 Human Identification using the Individual's Dental Radiographs Record
O. Nomir (Egypt) and M. Abdel-Mottaleb (USA)
689-023 Human Identification using Iris Features
O. Nomir and E. Radwan (Egypt)
689-026 Biomechanical Simulation of Potential Injury Risk based on Bodygraphic Injury Data and Product Usage Data
Y. Koizumi, Y. Nishida, Y. Motomura, Y. Miyazaki, and H. Mizoguchi (Japan)
689-033 Guided Input Method for Collaborative Machine Translation Systems
Y. Masuda, M. Mase, and Y. Kitamura (Japan)
689-040 Neural Prosthetic Asynchronous Control using EEG
M. Farid, N. Rizkalla, M. Fahmy, M. Daoud, and K. El-Ayat (Egypt)
689-050 Chatbots: Can They Serve as Natural Language Interfaces to QA Corpus?
B.A. Shawar (Jordan) and E. Atwell (UK)
689-051 A Normalized Syntactic Lexicon for Arabic Verbs and its Evaluation WITHIN the LKB Platform
N. Loukil, R. Ktari, K. Haddar, and A. Benhamadou (Tunisia)
689-074 Dental X-Ray Radiographs Enhancement by Combining Morphological Operator and Retinex Theory
O. Nomir (Egypt) and M. Abdel-Mottaleb (USA)
689-086 WAI-Routes: A Route-Estimation System for Aiming Public Transportation Users with Cognitive Impairments
L. Anglés-Alcázar, P.A. Haya, and R.M. Carro (Spain)
Track Special Session: Applications in Grey System FreeSubscription
689-090 The Voice Recognition Design in Twin Rotor Helicopter via Grey Relational Grade
M.-L. Chen, J.-R. Wang, C.-L. Chen, and H.-T. Tu (Taiwan)
689-091 The Development of Matlab Toolbox for Liver Function Evaluation
K.-L. Wen, B.-Y. Lee, M.-L. You, and Z.-S. Zhou (Taiwan)
689-092 The Best Material Selection among Prototype Model Making Techniques based on QFD and GRA
Y.-L. Lee, J.-C. Liang, J.-S. Chen, and C.-K. Wu (Taiwan)
689-095 Item Ranking Comparison between GRA and IRT Rasch Model
R.-C. Chao, B.-C. Kuo, Y. Tsai, Z.-X. Lin (Taiwan), and N. Masatake (Japan)
689-096 The Research of Optimal International Marketing Resource Allocation Model on International Trading Enterprises
C.-Y. Kung, T.-M. Yan, and C.-C. Liao (Taiwan)
689-098 An Application of GM(0,N) to Analyze the Ma-Wu's Test of Practical Reasoning Abilities
D.-B. Wu and H.-L. Ma (Taiwan)
Track Symposium: Internet and Multimedia Systems FreeSubscription
690-002 Biphase Code Detection for Differential Manchester Encoded Signals in Digital Communications
S. Vasana (USA)
690-011 Virtual Reality Potential Role in Numeracy Concepts using Virtual Manipulatives
L. Daghestani (UK, Saudi Arabia), R.D. Ward, Z. Xu (UK), and H. Al-Nuaim (Saudi Arabia)
690-012 UDP Performance Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 using Windows Vista-Server2008 and Windows XP-Server2008 LANs
C. Manford, S.S. Kolahi, B.K. Soorty, Z. Qu, and N. Chand (New Zealand)
690-013 Development of Java EE Web Applications for the iPhone: Introducing the JSF Component Library jWAN
T. Kisner and K. Jacobi (Germany)
690-014 DVB-T Broadcasting of SMS and MMS Data: The Emergency Management Case Study
E. Gambi, G. Rascioni, and S. Spinsante (Italy)
690-015 Information Assurance Robot Vision System based on the Estimation of Search Strategy
Y. Kagiyama, T. Shiose, H. Kawakami, and O. Katai (Japan)
690-016 A Web-based MIS System for Occupational Health
T.M. Connolly, A. MacPhail, and D.G.W. Scott (UK)
690-017 Mobile Talking Head System using a 3D Face Model Generator
S.-W. Kim, K.-H. Choi, J.-W. Moon, and S.-Y. Park (Korea)
690-020 A Probabilistic Approach for Video Background Analysis
Y. Kim, S. Park, J.-H. Yoo, and K. Choi (Korea)
Track Additional Paper FreeSubscription
677-098 Toward Weaving UML MARTE Real-Time Constraints on UML Application Model
N. Machta, M.T. Bennani, and S. Ben Ahmed (Tunisia)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $84.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $60.00 (Online) ;  $70.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

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Hard Copy $84.00
Online Edition $60.00
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ISBN: 978-0-88986-831-1 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-830-4 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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