Web-based Education    (WBE 2010)

March 15 – 17, 2010
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Editor(s): V. Uskov
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Innovative Software Systems and Courseware for Web-based Education FreeSubscription
688-011 A System for Recording and Sharing Unexpected Problem Behaviors in Youth using Web Cameras
N. Masahito, N. Masaki, A. Masahiro, and U. Maomi (Japan)
688-016 An Ontology-based Agriculture Knowledge Service Workflow
T. Yang, Y. Wu, and W. Zhao (PRC)
688-023 The Use of the EduPRO System for Adaptive Learning Process Organizing
P. Fedoruk (Ukraine)
688-026 Intelligent Querying for Adaptive Course Preparation and Delivery in E-Learning
R. Al-Otaibi and S. Gamalel-Din (Saudi Arabia)
688-027 A Multi-Agents Approach for Modeling a Collaborative Learning System
H. Mazyad, I. Tnazefti-Kerkeni, and B. Talon (France)
688-030 Development of a Lean Learning Platform for UK Primary Schools: Towards On-Line Reporting
M. Dixon (UK)
688-039 The Use of Social Networking in an Online Training Course
T. Connolly, C. Gould, G. Baxter, T. Hainey, S. Waugh, and B. Boyle (UK)
688-054 TWTD: A Multi-Touch Tutoring System for the Physically Challenged
A. Zeid, A. Amin, M. Al-Najdi, and A. Al-Rowaished (Kuwait)
Track Quality Testing and Assessment Issues in Web-based Education FreeSubscription
688-021 Barriers in Modern Web-based Education
J. Rutkowski and K. Moscinska (Poland)
688-022 Learner's Evaluation Model using Intelligent Assessment Methodology
D.D. Burdescu, M.C. Mihăescu, C.M. Ionascu, and B. Logofatu (Romania)
688-028 Computer-Graded Time-Restricted Supervised Examinations in Undergraduate Mathematics Courses
D. Glin, J. Cerny, and M. Wrubleski (Canada)
688-034 A Model Proposal for the Investigation of End Users' Satisfaction of the Usage of an e-Learning Platform
A.M. Braccini, S. Za, and A. D'Atri (Italy)
688-037 Rating Points for the Logicality of Mathematical Statements based on the Ratings by Mathematicians
K. Kawamoto, N.H. Arai, and Y. Ishigami (Japan)
688-038 An Integrated System for Submission, Assessment, Feedback and Publication of Online Digital Portfolios
Á. Figueira, C. Félix, and C. Ferreira (Portugal)
688-044 Do Academics Ignore the Difficulties that Visually Impaired Students Face while Accessing VLE Content?
D. O' Reilly (Ireland)
688-051 Developing Rubrics for Evaluating Online Forums in a Virtual Learning Environment
A. Carrancho da Silva and D.M. Ferreira (Brazil)
Track Case Studies on Innovative Learning, Teaching, and Training FreeSubscription
688-001 A Facilitating Role of SNS Materials for Japanese EFL Students at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
A. Kuramoto, T. Ochi, T. Tsukamoto, and M. Yamaguchi (Japan)
688-008 Medicine 2.0: Web 2.0 for Medical Education
S. Ruppert (Australia, Germany) and D. Richards (Australia)
688-009 The Efficacy of Mode-A eLearning Sites: An Exploration of eLearning through Grounded Theory
P. Busch, K. Archer, S. Ozay, A. Rittau, and D. Richards (Australia)
688-014 Visual Exploration of Classical Encryption on the Web
M.S. Asseisah and H.M. Bahig (Egypt)
688-017 Educational Considerations in the Development of E-health Systems in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries (GCC)
A.S. Weber (Qatar) and D.M. Musson (Canada)
688-018 Providing Appropriate Alternative Co-Occurrence Candidates: Towards a Japanese Composition Support System
T. Nakano and Y. Tomiura (Japan)
688-024 Cognitive Web Annotation using Multiple Sensory Channels
M. Allegra, L. Seta, G. Chiazzese, G. Merlo, S. Ottaviano, G. Todaro, and A. Chifari (Italy)
688-025 E-Learning Cost Analysis: Please Give Us Some Numbers!!!
M. Casagranda, A. Molinari, V. Pegoretti, and S. Tomasini (Italy)
688-032 Formal and Informal Learning based on Web 2.0
K.O. Chow, K.M. Chin, S.K.S. Cheung, and G.T.L. Wong (PRC)
688-042 Assessment of On-Line Tools and their Integration in Traditional Teaching
P. Emiliozzi (Italy)
688-052 A Conceptual Model for Learning Outcomes in the Motor Skill Domain
Y.H. P Iskandar, L. Gilbert, and G.B. Wills (UK)
Track Best Practices on Web-based Education FreeSubscription
688-012 Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Early Care Settings - A Case Study: EscolasInfantis.net
R. Miguez, J.M. Santos, and L. Anido (Spain)
688-015 Impact of Web-based Training on Knowledge Management in Companies
I. Hamburg (Germany)
688-035 Tool for Visualizing Students' Interaction on a Learning Management System
S. Sugawara and N.H. Arai (Japan)
688-036 Anti-Ubiquitous Learning: A New Learning Paradigm
N. Amano (Japan)
688-045 Towards Adaptive E-Learning based on Proven Educational Theories
S. Alkhuraiji (UK, Saudi Arabia), B. Cheetham (UK), and O. Bamasak (Saudi Arabia)
688-063 Usage of Open Course Ware by Faculty in the Developing World
N. Kasraie and E. Kasraie (USA)
Track Virtual Worlds and Mobile Learning FreeSubscription
688-003 Mobile Game Terminal based Interactive Education Environment for Large-Scale Lectures
N. Hanakawa and M. Obana (Japan)
688-010 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Authentication System based on Location Information of Mobile Phones
H. Takamizawa and K. Kaijiri (Japan)
688-020 Development of an e-Map Mobile System with Vertical Screen for Training Navigation Skill
H. Miyata and M. Sannomiya (Japan)
688-029 Virtual Communities and Mobile Applications in Web Education: A Case Study
L. Colazzo, A. Molinari, and N. Villa (Italy)
688-046 The Effect of Lecture Videos on Participation in Teaching
I. Hakala, S. Laine, and M. Myllymäki (Finland)
688-050 Present Web-based Technologies in Portugal: Regular Middle and High School - Possible New Mixed Model
T. Florentino and L. Joyanes (Spain)
688-053 Learning in Technology-Rich Environments: Second Life vs. Moodle
M. Fominykh (Norway)
688-058 Virtual Campus of NTNU as an Arena for Educational Activities
E. Prasolova-Førland (Norway), T.G. Wyeld (Australia), and M. Fominykh (Norway)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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ISBN: 978-0-88986-832-8 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-829-8 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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