Telehealth and Assistive Technology    (TAT 2009)

November 2 – 4, 2009
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Editor(s): M.H. Hamza
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Health Care and Monitoring FreeSubscription
663-003 The Utility of Agent based Healthcare Models
M. Laskowski, M. Borkowski, B.C.P. Demianyk, M.R. Friesen, and R.D. McLeod (Canada)
663-011 The SMILING Project: Prevention of Falls by a Mechatronic Training Device
M. Bulgheroni, E. D'Amico (Italy), S. Bar-Haim (Israel), D. Carus, C. Harrison (UK), and F. Marcellini (Italy)
663-012 Evaluating e-Health Services for Transnational Implementation WITHIN the Sparsely Populated Areas of Northern Periphery
U.-M. Pesola and E.L. Waterworth (Sweden)
663-017 Internet-based Diabetic Monitoring System for Patients with Sensory Impairment
M.R. Tomita, J.L. Flagg, and E. Schlueter (USA)
663-025 Multidimensional Analysis of Human Activity Patterns in Health and Disease
A. Paraschiv-Ionescu, Ch. Perruchoud, E. Buchser, and K. Aminian (Switzerland)
663-036 Architectural Pros and Cons for Building Family Medical Ontology
S. Bonacina and F. Pinciroli (Italy)
Track Simulation and Signal Processing FreeSubscription
663-006 Modelling and Simulation of a Self-Tuning Shock Absorber for Above-Knee Prosthesis
Y.C. Mao and C.P. Jiang (Taiwan)
663-021 An Approach to Predictive Evaluation for Users with Special Needs
A.V. Artífice, J.B. Lopes, J.A. Jorge, and M.J. Fonseca (Portugal)
663-032 Automatic Femur Decomposition, Reconstruction and Refinement using Superquadric Shapes
R. Cuypers, S. Kiel, and W. Luther (Germany)
663-038 Click and Double-Click Emulation by using Electromyographic Signals
C.G. Pinheiro Jr. and A.O. Andrade (Brazil)
Track Telehealth FreeSubscription
663-013 CHOPIN: Toolbox for Composition of Telemedical Services
C. Reuter, T. Köningsmann, S. Meister, S. Houta, and J. Neuhaus (Germany)
663-014 Domiliciary Health Care Monitoring System using Chromaticity
L. Yang, J.W. Spencer, G.R. Jones, D.H. Smith, A.G. Deakin, and K. Wong (UK)
663-015 Mobile Agent-based System in a Smart Space for Guiding People with Spatial Orientation Problems
M.A. Ibrahim and P. Mabilleau (Canada)
663-022 Experiments of Characterizations of the Family Medical Lexicon for Tele-Homecare Applications
S. Bonacina and F. Pinciroli (Italy)
663-024 Mobile System for Detecting and Diagnosing Heart Diseases
M. Vega, C. Vázquez, J. Naranjo, A. Preciado, A. Romero, and C. Heras (Mexico)
663-029 CLAP: Cross-Layer Protocols for pHealth
P. Angelidis (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $84.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $51.00 (Online) ;  $60.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $84.00
Online Edition $51.00
CD Edition $60.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-815-1 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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