Control and Applications    (CA 2009)

July 13 – 15, 2009
Cambridge, UK
Editor(s): H. Hu
308 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Modelling and Simulation FreeSubscription
651-006 Solving Linear Descriptor (Regular) Discrete-Time Delay System with (Non)-Consistent Initial Conditions
A.D. Karageorgos (Greece), A.A. Pantelous (Greece, UK), and G.I. Kalogeropoulos (Greece)
651-015 Control of Reverse Osmosis Plants using Renewable Energies
F. Tadeo, R. Val, L. Palacin, C. de Prada, and J. Salazar (Spain)
651-049 Conveyor Model and its Usage for Selecting Effective Control Variable for Combinatorial Weigher Heads
L. Kurtaj, V. Shatri, and I. Limani (Kosovo)
651-068 Experimental Modeling and Control Design of a Linear Hydro-Pneumatic Position System
S.N.P. de Jesus, F. Leonardi, and F. Delatore (Brazil)
651-113 Stabilization of a Human Posture Model in Space
A.R. Selman (Canada)
Track UAV/UGV/UUV Control FreeSubscription
651-033 Oriented Vehicles Travelling in Spherical Space
W. Holderbaum and J. Biggs (UK)
651-037 Experiments with a Robust Formation Controller for Underactuated Autonomous Surface Vessels
D. Schoerling, C. Van Kleeck, F. Fahimi, R. Koch (Canada), A. Ams, and P. Löber (Germany)
651-065 The Virtual Potential Field Method as a Tool for Formation Guidance of AUVs
M. Barisic, Z. Vukic, and N. Miskovic (Croatia)
651-075 Stealth Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) inHostile Radar Zones
K.E. May, Y.S. Ping, S.T.C. Seng, S.Z. Hai, and H.J. Sien (Singapore)
651-114 Autonomous Flight Control of Rotorcraft UAV using Vision-based Navigation
F.-Y. Hsiao, J.-F. Shen, and Y.-C. Chen (Taiwan)
Track Non-Linear Control FreeSubscription
651-019 Inverse Optimal Satellite Attitude Control from a Geometric Viewpoint
N.M. Horri, P.L. Palmer, and M. Roberts (UK)
651-066 On the Algebraization of Asymptotic Stability Analysis for Differential Systems
Z. She, R. Yan, B. Xue, and Z. Zheng (PRC)
651-077 Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems with Non-Polynomial Nonlinearities using SOS-Programming
M. Bäuml and J. Deutscher (Germany)
651-102 Attitude Tracking of a Rotating Rigid Body System
R. Ahmed, D.-w. Gu, and I. Postlethwaite (UK)
651-105 Asymptotic Disturbance Rejection for the TORA System via Rotational-Position Feedback
F. Celani (Italy)
Track Robust Control FreeSubscription
651-028 H Control Design for Mechanisms with Backlash
G. Pujol, F. Ikhouane, and L. Acho (Spain)
651-032 Robust Internal Model Current Control for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
L.A. Al-Chalabi, S.R. Alwash, and A.H. Ataallah (Jordan)
651-044 Delay Dependent Stability Criteria for a Class of Uncertain Linear Time Delay Systems
B.B. Kizilsac (Turkey)
651-061 Nonparametric Design of Robust Linear Controllers and their Experimental Application to Idle Control
S. Zhao, A. Abass, and A.T. Shenton (UK)
651-091 Super Twisting Observer for Sensorless PMSM Control
D. Zaltni (France, Tunisia), M. Ghanes, and J.P. Barbot (France)
Track Mechatronics and Robotics FreeSubscription
651-011 A Dual Space Approach to Grasp Stability for Two-Fingered Robot Hands
M.E. Jang (Korea)
651-020 Mobile Robot Navigation using a Behavioural Strategy
P. Nattharith and R. Bicker (UK)
651-022 H∞ Control of Autonomous Electric Vehicles
K. Moriwaki (Japan)
651-087 Flexible Assembly Inspection for Seat Frame using Machine Vision
B.-M. Chung, I.-J. Yeo, B.-S. So, and S.-H. Lee (Korea)
651-093 Behavior based Control of a Robotic based Navigation Aid for the Blind
A.S. Al Yahmadi, A.B. El-Tahir El-Dirdiri, and T. Pervez (Oman)
651-115 Collision Avoidance Control for a Human-Operated Robotic Manipulator
N. Uchiyama, Y. Kajita, Y. Osugi, S. Sano, and S. Takagi (Japan)
Track Automatic Control FreeSubscription
651-012 Higher-Order Derivative Compensators as a Better Alternative to PID in Controlling the Systems with Higher Dynamics
N. Mir-Nasiri (Malaysia)
651-021 Design and Implementation of a Generic Data-Interface
D. Langsweirdt, Y. Berbers, J. Thoné, and B. Puers (Belgium)
651-058 Stand-Alone Optimal Otolith-Canal Fusion for Estimating Body Orientation
K.A. Tahboub (Germany)
651-067 Multivariable Control of a Heat Exchanger with Bypasses
F. Delatore, J.J. da Cruz, F. Leonardi, and L.F. Novazzi (Brazil)
651-092 Digital Control of a Power Inverter
F. Celani, M. Macellari, A. Schiaratura, and L. Schirone (Italy)
651-108 Bilinear Matrix Eigenvalue Optimization using Parallel Branch and Bound Method with Adaptive Computational Granularity
M. Kawanishi, T. Narikiyo, and T. Hashimoto (Japan)
Track Neuro-Fuzzy Control FreeSubscription
651-002 Synthesis of a Robust H
W. Assawinchaichote (Thailand) and S.K. Nguang (New Zealand)
651-024 Trigonometric Polynomial Neural Network and its Application to Identification and Control
Y. Yamamoto and H. Yoshimura (Japan)
651-046 Artificial Intelligence based Controllers Applied to a Bromelian Recovery Process
T.L. Fujiki, C.F. Schulz, F.V. da Silva, and A.M.F. Fileti (Brazil)
651-081 Advanced Control Strategies for HVAC&R Systems: Topical Survey
D.S. Naidu and C.G. Rieger (USA)
651-096 Modeling Nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output Systems using Neural Networks based on Volterra Series
T.I. Haweel and F.A. Alturki (Saudi Arabia)
651-116 A Proactive Traffic Responsive Control using State Space Neural Network
M. Abbas and Y. Li (USA)
Track Adaptive and Predictive Control FreeSubscription
651-009 Improving Performance of PID Controllers using Adaptive Control
I. Rusnak and I. Barkana (Israel)
651-036 Congestion Control of TCP/AQM Networks using Predictive Control and On-Line Linearized Models
T. Alvarez, A. Salim, and M. Bolajraf (Spain)
651-086 A Practical Design Approach to Robust Receding Horizon Controller with Adaptive DA Converter
T. Kawabe (Japan)
651-089 Robust Adaptive Position/Force Control of Mobile Manipulators with Dynamic Uncertainties
T. Narikiyo, M. Kawanishi, and M. Nakagawa (Japan)
651-094 Dynamic System Optimization using the Package DSOA
B.C. Fabien (USA)
651-095 MPC with Guaranteed Stability and Constraint Feasability on Flexible Vibrating Active Structures: A Comparative Study
G. Takács and B. Rohal'-Ilkiv (Slovakia)
Track Additional Papers FreeSubscription
651-071 Thermodynamic Modeling and Control of a Negative Valve Overlap Turbo Engine
H. Auslin, T. Johansson, P. Tunestål, and B. Johansson (Sweden)
651-107 Improved Direct Torque Control using Kalman Filter: Application to a Doubly-Fed Machine
H. Chaal and M. Jovanovic (UK)
Track Paper from Previous Conference FreeSubscription
622-071 Controller Design by Decoupling of Angular Planes for Bipedal Sit to Stand Movement
A.M. Mughal and K. Iqbal (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $146.00 (Online) ;  $172.00 (CD)

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CD Edition $172.00
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ISBN: 978-0-88986-792-5 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-794-9 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

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