Biomedical Engineering    (BioMED 2008)

February 13 – 15, 2008
Innsbruck, Austria
Editor(s): A. Hierlemann
494 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Bioinformatics FreeSubscription
601-036 PrimerDB: A Synthetic Database for Primer/Oligonucleotide Hybridization and Efficiency Prediction
R. Singh, S. Kumar, and L. Gupta (India)
601-167 Complexity of DNA Encryption System as a Subset of Java Cryptography Extension
T. Hodorogea and M.-F. Vaida (Romania)
Track Biomedical Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition FreeSubscription
601-073 Detection of Saccadic Eye Movements using the Order Statistic Constant False Alarm Rate Technique
P.-H. Niemenlehto and M. Juhola (Finland)
601-112 Fuzzy Clustering of Transient Evoked OtoAcoustic Emission Signals based on K-Nearest Neighbours Rule
M.N. Hosseini, A.H. Jafari, S. Fazeli, and S. Mahmoudian (Iran)
601-116 FPGA based ECG Analysis System
A. Shukla and L. Macchiarulo (USA)
601-118 Carotid Doppler Signal Modeling and Representing with Time Frequency and Time Scale Energy Distributions
S. Raiesdana, S. Darvishi, and H. Behnam (Iran)
601-131 Phase Coding of Information in the Human Brain
V. Logar, I. Škrjanc, A. Belic, S. Brežan, B. Koritnik, and J. Zidar (Slovenia)
601-194 The Acoustical Behavior of Auditory System Model
I.G. Toostani, M. Pouladian, S. Mahmoudian, and M. Farhadi (Iran)
Track Biomechanics FreeSubscription
601-019 Effect of Aortic Diameter on the Biomechanical Properties of Ascending Aortic Aneurysms
D.P. Sokolis, E.P. Kritharis, R.P. Deveja, and D.C. Iliopoulos (Greece)
601-023 Looking for Differences in Postural Control Systems: Young Students versus Pensioners
J. Rasku and M. Juhola (Finland)
601-044 Study of Morphologic Response of Chondrocytes to Uniaxial Compression of Articular Cartilage
J.P. Wu, T.B. Kirk, N. Milne, and P.M. Delaney (Australia)
601-068 Sensorised Compliant Structures with Adjustable Stiffness
I. Gavrilova, M. Feustel, W. Scheibner, C. Schilling, and H. Witte (Germany)
601-171 Analysis of Maximal Grip Strength using Three Types of Dynamometer
K. Li, D.J. Hewson, J. Duchne, and J.-Y. Hogrel (France)
Track Biomedical Modelling and Simulation FreeSubscription
601-013 Modelling and Measurement of Odour Transportation WITHIN the Human Nasal Cavity
J.W. Gardner, S. Nadarajan, and P. Kimber (UK)
601-057 Classical Conditioning Modelling
L. Houdová (Czech Republic)
601-066 Receptor-based Models of Insulin Saturation Dynamics
S. Andreassen, U. Pielmeier (Denmark), and G. Chase (New Zealand)
601-071 Integration of the Circle of Willis into Avolio's Model of the Arterial Haemodynamics
M. Schwarz, M.P. Nguyen, U. Kiencke, C. Heilmann, R. Klemm, C. Benk, F. Beyersdorf, and H.-J. Busch (Germany)
601-127 The Effect of EECP on the Flow Rate of Coronary Arteries in Human Blood Circulation Model
A. Mokhlesi, M.A. Khalilzadeh, G. Sadeghy, A. Moghimi, and H. Fal Soleiman (Iran)
601-184 A New Strategy for Placement of 3-D Systematic Biopsy Plans in Prostate Biopsy System
Y. Guo, A. Barqawi, D. Kumar, R. Narayanan, A.R. Simoneau, D.E. Crawford, and J.S. Suri (USA)
Track Biomechanical Modelling and Simulation FreeSubscription
601-046 Fracture Healing Diagnosis by Neural Network
A. Lesniewska and W. Choromanski (Poland)
601-088 The Effects of Footwear on Impact Force during Running: A Model-based Study
A.A. Zadpoor and A.A. Nikooyan (The Netherlands)
601-090 A Rate-Dependent Linear Modelling Approach for Pathological Tremor Applications
M. Rank, O. Stursberg (Germany), and W.T. Ang (Singapore)
601-103 Non Linear Behavior of Articular Ligaments: Formulation with the Microplane Theory
E. Blangino, S. Valente, and M. Barba (Argentina)
601-157 Generatin Exact Finite Element Model of Lower Cervical Spine (C3-C7)
M. Haghpanahi and N. Toosizadeh (Iran)
Track Biomedical Devices, Instruments and Techniques FreeSubscription
601-026 Design Concepts of Wearable Optical Topography System for Imaging Brain Activity
M. Kiguchi, H. Atsumori, A. Obata, H. Sato, T. Katura, and A. Maki (Japan)
601-052 A Study of the Vasodilatation by the Ultrasound Thermal Effects
S.M. Kim, M.P. Lee, B.C. Choi, W.S. Jung, H.S. Bae, S.H. Park, and S.H. Kang (Korea)
601-060 Integrity of Colorectal Anastomosis: A Review of Technological Assets
V. Fernandez, G. Thomson, A. Slade, and J. Vorstius (UK)
601-082 Ultrasound Guided Transperineal Robotic Biopsy System for the Prostate
P. Mohani, H. Ho, D. Li, E.W. Lim, W. Lau, C. Cheng, and W.S. Ng (Singapore)
601-100 Detection of Detrimental Effects on Health in Point-of-Care Scenarios using a Multiparametric Biosensor
M. Schmidhuber, J. Wiest, D. Grundl, M. Brückl, N. Büchels, and B. Wolf (Germany)
601-141 Arm Flexion and Extension Exercises using a Brain-Computer Interface and Functional Electrical Stimulation
H.G. Tan, H.H. Zhang, C.C. Wang, C.Y. Shee, W.T. Ang, and C.T. Guan (Singapore)
601-148 Computing the Inductance of Coils used for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with FPGA Devices
O. Creţ, I. Trestian (Romania), F. de Dinechin (France), L. Creţ, L. Văcariu, and R. Tudoran (Romania)
601-154 Real-Time Imaging of Interaction between Microbubble and Cell under Therapeutic Ultrasound Irradiation
A. Tsukamoto, N. Yasui, Y. Watanabe, K. Furukawa, and T. Ushida (Japan)
601-160 A Tool for the Fusion of Magnetic Resonance Anatomic and Spectroscopy
V. Mato, R. Garca, J. Pereira (Spain), G. Liney (UK), A. Pazos, and J. Teijeiro (Spain)
601-165 Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Classifier for Heart Sounds
H. Ali, T.J. Ahmed, and S. Khan (Pakistan)
601-174 A Non-Invasive Biopotential Electrode for the Correct Detection of Bioelectrical Currents
C. Boccaletti, F. Castrica, G. Fabbri (Italy), and M. Santello (USA)
601-181 CT-based Clinical Phantom Validation of Eigens Real Time Four Degree of Freedom Mechanical Tracker for 3-D Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy
L. Wei, K. Shinohara, A. Khemka, D. Kumar, S. Miller, A.R. Simoneau, A. Barqawi, D.E. Crawford, and J.S. Suri (USA)
601-802 Use of IR-to-Visible Upconversion Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Tracking of siRNA Delivery
S. Jiang and Y. Zhang (Singapore)
Track Patient and Vital Signs Monitoring FreeSubscription
601-049 Wearable Body Sensor Network for Continuous Context-Related Pulse Arrival Time Monitoring
J. Muehlsteff, J. Espina, M.A.A. Alonso, X. Aubert, and T. Falck (Germany)
601-055 Ambulatory Care Delivery for Chronic Disease Management
J. Boyle, N. Bidargaddi, A. Sarela, and M. Karunanithi (Australia)
601-062 Detection of Sensor Wearing Positions for Accelerometry-based Daily Activity Assessment
B. Yin and A.H.C. Goris (The Netherlands)
601-144 Review of Sensors for Remote Patient Monitoring
Y. Liu and R. Sahandi (UK)
601-189 A Health Monitoring and Evaluation System for Assessing Care Needs of Residents in Aged-Care Facilities
L.L. Chan, J. Zhang, M. Narayanan, B.G. Celler, and N.H. Lovell (Australia)
Track Biomedical Image Processing FreeSubscription
601-030 Contourlet Transform based Complex Diffusion for Ultrasonic Speckle Reduction
J. Yu and Y. Wang (PRC)
601-041 GPU-Accelerated Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs
D. Ruijters, B.M. ter Haar-Romeny (The Netherlands), and P. Suetens (Belgium)
601-045 Wavelet based Denoising for Images Degraded by Poisson Noise
T. Shimamura, S. Eda, T. Ito, Y. Kuwano, and Y. Takahashi (Japan)
601-051 Multimodal Medical Image Registration using Geometric Flow and Gabor Filter
Q. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Yu, and S. Yang (PRC)
601-056 Hardware Accelerator for Computing 3-D DFT in Medical Image Processing
S. Jabeen and A. Tariq (Pakistan)
601-079 A Level Set based Hybrid Framework for Confocal Image Segmentation
Q. Xue, S. Degrelle, J. Wang, I. Hue, and M. Guillomot (France)
601-129 Vocal Folds Vascularization Level Analysis using Hough Transform
A. Méndez, B. García, I. Ruiz, and I. Iturricha (Spain)
601-146 Extraction of Morphological Parameters of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds using Two-Point Correlation Function
M. Haghpanahi and S. Miramini (Iran)
601-800 The Influence of Speckle Suppression on Perceived Ultrasound Image Quality
E. Vansteenkiste, A. Pizurica, and W. Philips (Belgium)
Track Late Papers FreeSubscription
601-179 Spectral Envelope Analysis of Snoring Signals
M. Çavusoglu (Germany), M. Kamasak, T. Çiloglu, Y. Serinagaoglu, O. Erogul (Turkey)
Track Keynote Paper FreeSubscription
601-900 Chemical and Biological Sensor Systems for Personal Health Care Applications
E. Simon (Germany)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $168.00 (Hardcopy) ;  $189.00 (Online) ;  $168.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $168.00
Online Edition $189.00
CD Edition $168.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISSN: 1929-9796 ;
ISBN: 978-0-88986-721-5 ;
ISSN (CD): 1929-9818 ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-722-2 ;
ISSN (Online): 1929-980X ;

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Medical Imaging, Image Processing, and Signal Processing - * Computed Tomography * Data Representation and Visualization * Integrated Medical Image Analysis * Magnetic Resonance Imaging * Medical Data Storage and Compression Techniques * Medical Image Processing * Nuclear Medicine * Optical Imaging * Signal Processing * Ultrasound Imaging; Modelling, Simulation, Systems, and Control- * Biomedical Computing * Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation * Biomechanics * Control Systems * Electromagnetic Field Simulation * Hemodynamics * Sports and Ergonomics Simulation * Surgery Simulation and Simulators * Virtual Reality; Molecular Bioengineering - * Labs-on-Chips * Bioinformatics * Biomaterials * Bio-Nanotechnology * Drug Delivery and Pharmacokinetics * Gene Therapy * Molecular and Cellular Engineering * Tissue Engineering; Medical Devices, Measurement, and Instrumentation - * Biosensors and Transducers * Data and Signal Acquisition * Electronic Medical Devices * Intelligent Instrumentation * Lasers and Optical Systems * Measurement and Instrumentation * Microtechnology and BioMEMS * Noninvasive Measurement * Reliability and Failure * Robotics; Health Care Technology - * Clinical Assessment and Patient Diagnosis * Artificial Organs * Computer-aided Surgery * Electrotherapy * Health Care Information Systems * Implant Technology * Patient Monitoring * Prosthetics and Orthotics * Radiotherapy * Rehabilitation Engineering * Telemedicine.

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