Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing    (VIIP 2007)

August 29 – 31, 2007
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Editor(s): J.J. Villanueva
302 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Image and Video Processing FreeSubscription
583-024 Using MPEG-7 for Shot based Reduction of Quality and Rate Fluctuations in H264 AVC
J. Canovas Serrano, C. Grecos, and M. Yang (UK)
583-032 Contourlet-based Multispectral Image Fusion
S.M. Barmas and S. Kasaei (Iran)
583-040 Video Digest based on Heart Rate
S. Toyosawa and T. Kawai (Japan)
583-098 A Distance Transformation based Algorithm for Digital Image Colorization
P. Lagodzinski and B. Smolka (Poland)
Track Rendering FreeSubscription
583-033 Two-Pass Rendering Method to Accelerate Volume Rendering for Interactive Navigation
H.-S. Liao (Taiwan)
583-086 Mesh Fusion using a New and Improved Implicit Vector Field Surface Representation
M. Fournier, J.-M. Dischler, and D. Bechmann (France)
583-097 Automatic Reconstruction of 3D-Models from Technical Drawings
C. Ruwwe and U. Zlzer (Germany)
583-099 An Object Selecting Method for Accelerating Volume Rendering of Large Datasets
N. Fallah and A. Eydgahi (USA)
583-100 Automatic and Dynamic Generation of GPU Programs to Mix Renderings and Enhance Informations on High Scale Scenes
V. Boyer (France)
Track Application FreeSubscription
583-012 Synchrotron Radiation used Fluorescent X-Ray Computed Tomography as a Novel Molecular Imaging
N. Sunaguchi, Q.K. Huo, S. Nasukawa, N. Maikusa, T. Fukami, T. Yuasa, T. Takeda, J. Wu, Thet-Thet-Lwin, K. Hyodo (Japan), F.A. Dilmanian (USA), and T. Akatsuka (Japan)
583-028 3D Animation of Java Program Execution for Teaching Object Oriented Concepts
T. Storer and I. Duncan (UK)
583-036 Processing of Weather Radar Images for Bird Detection and Tracking
K. Malsev, L. Yaroslavsky, and Y. Leshem (Israel)
583-038 A Visual Application for Studying Cooperative Behaviours
E. Martnez, E. Chinellato, and A.P. del Pobil (Spain)
583-039 Moving Object Detection using Dynamic 2 1/2D Data for Robot Surrounding Field Monitoring
J. Radmer and J. Krger (Germany)
583-103 Real Time Detection and Tracking of Vehicles for Speed Measurement and Licence Plate Detection
H. Kusetogullari, H. Demirel, T. Celik, and S. Bayindir (Turkey)
583-104 Improved Sparse Correspondence Resolution using Loopy Belief Propagation with MRF Clique based Structure Preservation
M. Louw and F. Nicolls (South Africa)
583-120 Combining Region and Edge Information to Extract Fish Oocytes in Histological Images
P. Anta, P. Carrin, A. Formella, E. Cernadas, R. Domnguez, and F. Saborido-Rey (Spain)
583-123 Improved Accuracy of On-Line Tire Profile Measurement using a Novel On-Line Calibration
K. Khalili and S.M. Nazemsadat (Iran)
583-128 Scalable Realtime Glyph Rendering on Consumer Level Graphics Hardware: A Hybrid Approach
M. Zechner and W. Kienreich (Austria)
Track Visualization FreeSubscription
583-037 Local Energy Saliency for Bottom-Up Visual Attention
A. Garcia-Diaz, X.R. Fdez-Vidal, R. Dosil, and X.M. Pardo (Spain)
583-052 Visualization of Time-Varying Natural Tree Data
S. Brasch, E.G. McPherson (USA), and L. Linsen (Germany)
583-058 Efficient Construction of Flow Structures
T. Salzbrunn, A. Wiebel, and G. Scheuermann (Germany)
583-062 Visualization of Multivariate Athlete Performance Data
A. Telea (The Netherlands), P. de Hillerin, and V. Valeanu (Romania)
583-065 Adding Interactivity to Andrews Curves and Extensions
C. Garca-Osorio, J.-L. Benito-Esteban, J. Maudes, and J.J. Rodrguez (Spain)
583-066 3D Volumetric Reconstruction and Characterization of Objects from Uncalibrated Images
T.C.S. Azevedo, J.M.R.S. Tavares, and M.A.P. Vaz (Portugal)
583-081 Improved Efficiency of Spring Embedders: Taking Advantage of GPU Programming
D. Auber (France) and Y. Chiricota (Canada)
583-092 Context-Sensitive Multidimensional Resource Visualization
O. Khriyenko (Finland)
583-116 Feature Extraction by Multilayer Perceptron - Visualization of Internal Representation of Input Data
M. Oravec and J. Pavlovicov (Slovak Republic)
583-119 Semantic Collaborative Data Sharing
M. Klima and M. Cacky (Czech Republic)
Track Image and Video Analysis FreeSubscription
583-029 Real Time Turbulent Video Perfecting by Image Stabilization and Super-Resolution
B. Fishbain, L.P. Yaroslavsky, and I.A. Ideses (Israel)
583-055 A Fast Full Search Algorithm using Directional Oriented Search Order
D. Lim, S.-J. Park, T. Kim, and J. Jeong (Korea)
583-059 Line Segment based Edge Feature using Hough Transform
A. Pujol and L. Chen (France)
583-089 Face Relighting under Arbitrary Unknown Illumination Conditions based on Estimated Light Source Direction
H. Han and K. Sohn (Korea)
583-105 A Spatially Multiresolution, MRF Optimization based Approach to the Shape from Shading Problem
M. Louw and F. Nicolls (South Africa)
583-110 A Principal Component Regression Strategy for Estimating Motion
V.V. Estrela, M.H. Da Silva Bassani, and J.T. de Assis (Brazil)
583-115 A New Method for the Initialization of Clustering Algorithms based on Histogram Analysis
A. Castro, C. Bveda, and B. Arcay (Spain)
583-118 Age Reading of Cod Otoliths based on Image Morphing, Filtering and Fourier Analysis
A. Formella, J.M. Vzquez, P. Carrin, E. Cernadas, A. Vzquez, and G. Prez-Gndaras (Spain)
583-121 Graph Cut Optimization for the Mumford-Shah Model
N. El-Zehiry, S. Xu, P. Sahoo, and A. Elmaghraby (USA)
Track Face and Gesture Recognition FreeSubscription
583-041 3D Face Recognition using Depth-based Features
H. Shin and K. Sohn (Korea)
583-045 Pose Robust 3D Face Recognition using the RBFN Feature
U. Yang and K. Sohn (Korea)
583-102 Eyelid Image Synthesis using Motion Dependent Texture Mapping
K. Ohzeki, B. Ryo, and H. Murata (Japan)
583-111 Overview of Automatic Facial Expressions Analysis
F. Abdat, C. Maaoui, and A. Pruski (France)
583-124 Comparison of Synthetic Face Aging to Age Progression by Forensic Sketch Artist
E. Patterson, A. Sethuram, M. Albert, and K. Ricanek (USA)
583-807 Detecting Hands in Video Images using Scale Invariant Local Descriptors
J. Richarz, T. Pltz, and G.A. Fink (Germany)
Track Pattern Analysis and Recognition FreeSubscription
583-017 Detection of Free-Form Objects using Appearance-based Local Features
M.A. Vicente, C. Fernandez, L. Paya, and A. Gil (Spain)
583-063 Object Representation with Local Features in Geodesic Distance Space
K. Slot and M. Gozdzik (Poland)
583-093 An Automatic Evaluation Method of Image Mattes
T. Kobayashi, H. Tadaaki, and N. Otsu (Japan)
583-113 Gradient based Method for Static Facial Features Localization
F. Abdat, C. Maaoui, and A. Pruski (France)
583-122 Vehicle Make & Model Identification using Scale Invariant Transforms
I. Zafar, B.S. Acar, and E.A. Edirisinghe (UK)
583-805 A Novel Cognitive-Psychology-based Face-Recognition System for Improved Identification Rates for the Problem of Age-Progression
K. Ricanek Jr, R.B. Wilkins, A. Sethuram, and E.K. Patterson (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $108.60 (Hardcopy) ;  $92.31 (Online) ;  $108.60 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $108.60
Online Edition $92.31
CD Edition $108.60
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-691-1 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-692-8 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

Topics will include, but are not limited to: Rendering * Illumination Models * Volume Rendering * Rendering Algorithms and Systems Modelling * CAD/CAE (Computer Aided Design and Engineering) * Modelling of Natural Phenomena * 3D Object Extraction * Surface Reconstruction * Geometric Algorithms * Computational Geometry Animation * Motion Control and Kinematics * Dynamic Behaviour of Moving Components * Traffic Analysis and Simulation * Character Animation * Facial Animation * Human Figure Animation Image Processing and Analysis * Image Acquisition * Image Manipulation and Compression * Image Synthesis * Pattern Analysis and Recognition * Medical Imaging * Document Analysis Computer Vision * Machine Vision * Object Recognition * Active Vision * Cognitive Vision * Tracking * Face and Gesture Recognition * Biometrics * Image and Semantics Visualization and HMI (Human-Machine Interfaces) * Scientific and Mathematical Visualization * Data Treatment and Visualization * Visual Information Systems * Human-Computer Interaction * Virtual Reality * Holographic Imaging * Visualization and Manipulation of Virtual Objects * Visualization Software * Intelligent Interfaces * Augmented Reality * Intelligent Ambience Applications in all fields including: * Medicine * Geosciences * Astronomy * Ocean Engineering * Communications * Manufacturing * Environmental Sciences.

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