Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks    (PDCN 2007)

February 13 – 15, 2007
Innsbruck, Austria
Editor(s): H. Burkhart
401 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Wireless and Ad-Hoc Networks FreeSubscription
551-025 Effects of Hotspots on Throughput in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
J.-S. Li, C.-K. Kao, and I.-H. Chen (Taiwan)
551-028 Improvement of Data Transfer Reliability with Directed Diffusion in Wireless Sensor Networks
J.-W. Choi and K.-H. Lee (South Korea)
551-054 A Localized Broadcast Scheme for Minimizing Power Consumption in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
T.L. Wong, T. Tsuchiya, and T. Kikuno (Japan)
551-082 No-Beacon GEDIR: Location-based Ad-Hoc Routing with Less Communication Overhead
M. Watanabe and H. Higaki (Japan)
551-145 An Information Service Infrastructure for Ambient Networks
R. Giaffreda (UK), K. Pentikousis (Finland), E. Hepworth (UK), R. Agüero (Spain), and A. Galis (UK)
551-149 Battery Efficient Wireless System Discovery Scheme for Inter-System Handover
W.-I. Kim, B.-J. Lee, Y.-S. Shin, and Y.-J. Kim (Korea)
551-159 Traffic Analysis of Mobile Sensor Networks
J. Martyna (Poland)
551-160 Cross-Layer Design based Data Aggregation for Maximizing Network Lifetime
S. Lee, K. Han, K. Lim, and S. An (Korea)
Track Cluster and Grid Computing FreeSubscription
551-018 Electronic Payment System for Grid Services
T. Nissi and M. Silander (Finland)
551-066 Performance Evaluation of Offloading Software Modules to Cluster Network
K. Aoki, H. Maruoka, K. Wada, and M. Ono (Japan)
551-067 Performance Evaluation on Low-Latency Communication Mechanism of DIMMnet-2
A. Kitamura, Y. Miyabe, T. Miyashiro, N. Tanabe, H. Nakajo, and H. Amano (Japan)
551-087 Reactive Grid Scheduling of DAG Applications
I. Hernandez and M. Cole (UK)
551-095 Full-Speed Scalability of the pDomus Platform for DHTs
J. Rufino, A. Pina, A. Alves, J. Exposto, and R. Lopes (Portugal)
551-117 Theory of Commercial Application Management System and Its Implementation – AMPS
C. Ren, D. Meng, D. Liu, and J. Zhan (PRC)
551-121 A Distribution Technique for Graph Rewriting and Model Transformation Systems
G. Mezei, S. Juhász, and T. Levendovszky (Hungary)
551-130 Performance of Load Balancing for Grid Computing
A. Touzene and H. Al Maqbali (Sultanate of Oman)
551-155 Controlling an Ant Colony Optimization based Search in Distributed Datasets
B. Slivnik and U. Jovanovič (Slovenia)
551-805 A Resource-Oriented Grid Meta-Scheduler based on Agents
K. Sakamoto and H. Sato (Japan)
Track Modelling and Simulation FreeSubscription
551-004 Modeling Contention of Giga-Updates Per Second (GUPs) in Three Parallel Programming Paradigms
A. Sameh, T. El-Ghazawi, and Y. Yacoov (USA)
551-030 Measurement and Modelling of the Effective Sleep Time Interval for Dynamic Power Management of PCs
Y.-W. Bai and C.-H. Tsai (Taiwan)
551-032 Self-Tuned Passive Testers for Grey-Box Distributed Systems with Indefinite Communication Delays
K.M. Brzezinski and N. Malinski (Poland)
551-033 Performance and Power Consumption of Computers using Batch Service with Event and Time Counter
Y.-W. Bai and Y.-S. Cheng (Taiwan)
551-064 Automated Distributed Simulation in Ptolemy II
D. Lázaro Cuadrado, A.P. Ravn, and P. Koch (Denmark)
551-089 Stochastic Models for VoIP Traffic and Their Applications
A. Biernacki (Poland)
Track Scheduling, Optimization, and Load Balancing FreeSubscription
551-029 Probabilistic or Deterministic QoS Guarantees for Flows Scheduled with FP/DM
P. Minet, S. Martin (France), L.A. Saidane, and S. Masmoudi (Tunisia)
551-039 A Deadline-based Algorithm for Dynamic Task Scheduling with Precedence Constraints
S. Chuprat and S. Salleh (Malaysia)
551-085 Automated Dynamic Redistribution of Virtual Operating Systems under the Xen Virtual Machine Monitor
T.F. Vachon and J.D. Teresco (USA)
551-097 Dynamic Energy Aware Task Scheduling using Run-Queue Peek
S. Pawaskar and H.H. Ali (USA)
551-139 Coordination of Distributed Proactive Smart Resources
O. Khriyenko (Finland)
551-157 A Comparative Study of Peer to Peer Dynamic Load Balancing on Embedded Topologies
M.W. Akhtar and M-T. Kechadi (Ireland)
551-807 Optimal Scheduling of Task Graphs on Parallel Systems
O. Sinnen, A.V. Kozlov, and A.Z.S. Shahul (New Zealand)
Track Interconnection Networks, Routing, and Architectures FreeSubscription
551-036 Explicit Data Organization SIMD Instruction Set Architecture for Media Processors
C. Liu, X. Qin, and X. Yan (PRC)
551-037 The Detection of Malicious Misrouting of Packets on Internet
K.H. Yeung, D. Fung, and K.Y. Wong (PRC)
551-057 Synchronizing Data Stream Processing
M.S.F. Qureshi and J.R. Getta (Australia)
551-099 Efficient Heuristics for Message Dissemination in Networks
H.A. Harutyunyan (Canada) and B. Shao (USA)
551-102 Quasi-Global Routing for Fault-Tolerant High-Performance Interconnection Networks
T. Yokota, M. Ogawa, K. Ootsu, and T. Baba (Japan)
551-103 Path-based Multicasting in Multicomputers
H. Harutyunyan and S. Wang (Canada)
551-111 A Content Addressable Small-World Network
A. Ohtsubo, S. Tagashira, and S. Fujita (Japan)
551-129 An Approximate Algorithm for the Servers Replication Problem with Two Cost Constraints in WAN
M. Markowski and A. Kasprzak (Poland)
Track High-Performance Computing and Programming Tools FreeSubscription
551-051 Design and Evaluation of an Auto-Memoization Processor
T. Tsumura, I. Suzuki, Y. Ikeuchi, H. Matsuo, H. Nakashima, and Y. Nakashima (Japan)
551-074 Averages, Distributions and Scalability of MPI Communication Times for Ethernet and Myrinet Networks
N.A.W.A. Hamid and P. Coddington (Australia)
551-080 A Thread Partitioning Technique for Multithreaded Execution along Hot Paths
K. Ootsu, T. Kobayashi, T. Yokota, and T. Baba (Japan)
551-084 One-to-All Personalized Communication in Torus Networks
W. Mao, J. Chen, and W. Watson, III (USA)
551-100 Design Issues in the Implementation of MPI2 One Sided Communication in Ethernet based Networks
L. Schneidenbach and B. Schnor (Germany)
551-135 Recursive Multi-Factoring Algorithm for MPI_Allreduce
T. Imamura (Japan)
551-146 Optimising Data Movement Rates for Parallel Processing Applications on Graphics Processors
O. Harrison and J. Waldron (Ireland)
551-147 Optimization and Evaluation of Parallel Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Blue Gene/L
M. Sekijima, J. Doi, T. Noguchi, Y. Akiyama, and S. Shimizu (Japan)
551-151 Parallel Nearest Neighbour Clustering Algorithm (PNNCA) for Segmenting Retinal Blood Vessels
S.A. Salem and A.K. Nandi (UK)
Track Data, Multimedia, and Application Issues FreeSubscription
551-021 Active and Passive Replication of Multimedia Content in a ProXy-to-ProXy Network (X2X)
C. Spielvogel and L. Böszörményi (Austria)
551-023 A QoS-Aware Middleware for Ensuring Web Services Reliability
Y. Zhu, D. Ma, H. Sun, S. Zhang, and J. Li (PRC)
551-049 An Enhanced Model-based Checkpointing Protocol
J. Wu, Y. Luo, and D. Manivannan (USA)
551-071 QoS Management in Distributed Service Oriented Systems
A. Korostelev, J. Lukkien, J. Nesvadba, and Y. Qian (The Netherlands)
551-091 Version Vectors based Synchronization Engine for Mobile Devices
C. Quiroz Castro and T. Pakkala (Finland)
551-122 Uncomplicated Recovering Algorithm based on Dual Parity Placement Scheme in Disk Array Systems
C.-S. Tau (PRC)
551-138 Playback Pattern Aware Interval Caching for Multimedia Streaming Systems
O. Kwon, H. Bahn, and K. Koh (Korea)
551-152 Modified Collision Packet Classification using Counting Bloom Filter in Tuple Space
M. Ahmadi and S. Wong (The Netherlands)
551-803 A High Collusion-Resistant Approach to Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
S. Urabe, J. Wang, E. Kodama, and T. Takata (Japan)
Track Parallel and Distributed Computing FreeSubscription
551-047 Tree Clocks: An Efficient and Entirely Dynamic Logical Time System
T. Landes (Germany)
551-075 Fault Tolerance using Standard Reflexive Middleware Mechanisms
M.T. Bennani (Tunisia)
551-109 A P2P Information Monitoring System Supporting Conjunctive Continual Queries
K. Maruyama, S. Tagashira, and S. Fujita (Japan)
551-120 Cooperating Sensory Agents for Detecting Temporal Consistency among Events
V.K. Murthy and E.V. Krishnamurthy (Australia)
551-127 A New Robust Centralized DMX Algorithm
M. Challenger, V. Khalilpour, P. Bayat, and M.R. Meibodi (Iran)
551-134 Parallelism of Double Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Singular Value Decomposition
T. Konda, H. Tsuboi, M. Takata, M. Iwasaki, and Y. Nakamura (Japan)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   $126.60 (Hardcopy) ;  $107.61 (Online) ;  $126.60 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Hard Copy $126.60
Online Edition $107.61
CD Edition $126.60
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
ISBN: 978-0-88986-637-9 ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 978-0-88986-639-3 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This publication covers the following topics: Parallel Computing Systems; Supercomputing; Cluster Computing; High Performance Computing; Mobile Computing; Personal Computing; Heterogeneous Computing; Web Technologies; Interconnection Networks; Optical Networks; Broadband Networks; Wireless Networks; Computer Networks; IP and ATM Networks; Architectures; Algorithms; Parallel Programming; Parallel Processing; Distributed Multimedia; Internet Tools; Reusability; Reliability; Protocols; Routing; Planning; Scheduling; Queuing Systems; Resource Allocation; Communications; Modelling and Simulation; Distributed Real-Time Systems; Distributed Databases; Distributed Knowledge-based Systems; Data Mining; Data Warehousing; Operating Systems; Compilers; Fault Tolerance; Performance Evaluation; Optimization; Real-Time Embedded Systems; Memory and I/O Systems; Applications; and Grid Computing.

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