Telehealth    (Telehealth 2006)

July 3 – 5, 2006
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Editor(s): F. Pinciroli
148 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Clinical Services FreeSubscription
512-016 High Resolution of the Low-Level Signals of the ECG by Polynomial Approximation as Compensation for Signal Averaging
S. Jurko and G. Rozinaj (Slovak Republic)
512-027 Specialist Pediatric Cardiology Advice by Telemedicine
G. Weatherburn, R. Dowie, H. Mistry, and T. Young (UK)
512-033 An Analysis System for the Improvement of Ambulance Services for Patients Showing Cardiac Arrest
C. Carugati, G.P. Rossi, S. Bonacina, and G. Brambilla (Italy)
512-042 Meeting User Needs for Quality – Design and Technical Evaluation of a Telehealth System for Critical Care
J. Li, L.S. Wilson, S. Hansen, R. Qiao, A. Krumm-Heller, S. Stapleton, P. Cregan, and M. Murphy (Australia)
512-043 Using Videophones as Intergenerational Connections for Quality of Life Issues
S.B. Troen (USA)
512-046 A Signal Processing Module Integrated Expert System for Diagnosing Heart Diseases
F. Javed, P.A. Venkatachalam, and A.F.M. Hani (Malaysia)
512-050 Telemedicine: A Mote-based Data Acquisition System for Real Time Health Monitoring
P.O. Bobbie, C. Deosthale, and W. Thain (USA)
512-053 Mobile Documentation System for Emergency Medical Services
M. Hassinen, M. Marttila-Kontio, M. Saesmaa, and H. Tervo (Finland)
512-056 Distance Delivery of Geriatric Consultation to Family Physicians in Rural Alberta: Preliminary Results
L. Liu, J. Triscott, B. Dobbs, L. Strain, S. Burwash, S. Cleary, T. Hopper, and S. Warren (Canada)
512-057 A Medical Network for Teleconsultations in Brazil and Columbia
I. Sachpazidis, S. Kiefer, P. Selby, R. Ohl, and G. Sakas (Germany)
Track Methods and Systems FreeSubscription
512-008 Electronic Health Record for Scoliosis Management
D. Hill, M. Fedorak, E. Lou, M. Moreau, J. Mahood, and V. James Raso (Canada)
512-010 Developing System for Remote Clinical Evaluation of Computed Tomography and B-Mode Ultrasound Images
D. Smutek (Czech Republic, Japan), A. Shimizu (Japan), L. Tesar (Japan, Czech Republic), H. Kobatake, S. Nawano (Japan), and P. Maruna (Czech Republic)
512-012 Canadian Regulatory Developments on Active Medical Implants and Wireless Medical Telemetry
T. Lacombe, D. Warnes, H. Nappert, and J.-C. Brien (Canada)
512-021 A European E-Learning Experience in Upper Limb Telerehabilitation
C. Giacomozzi, D. Cordella, M. Rogante, S. Scattareggia, R. Magni, M. Zampolini (Italy), M.B. Guitart (Spain), S. Ilsbroukx (Belgium), and B. Huijgen (The Netherlands)
512-023 An Effective Infrastructure Design for the Clinical Guidelines Systems
S. Bonacina (Italy)
512-031 Modeling a Central Nervous System Biosignal Federated Databank for Parkinson's Disease
S. Marceglia and S. Bonacina (Italy)
512-048 The Influence which Visual Communication System Effects has on Elderly People
H. Sato, S. Murata, K. Fujimura, Y. Ito, K. Ogura, T. Watanabe, Y. Fujino, T. Mochizuki, T. Tsuboi, A. Miyajima, and S. Takagi (Japan)
512-049 Integrated Wireless-based Medical Information Processing: System Analysis and Simulation
H. Qu, L.Y. Wang, H. Wang, Q. Cheng, E. Yaprak, and H. Zheng (USA)
512-052 Secure Federated Data Retrieval in Clinical Trials
A. Stell, R. Sinnott, and O. Ajayi (UK)
512-801 Mobile Agent Architecture for Mobile Systems for Telehealth and Telemedicine
G. Pour and N. Laad (USA)
Track Web and Videos FreeSubscription
512-028 Telebioinformatics Services of Politecnico Di Milano for Post-Genomic Biomedical Applications
M. Masseroli and F. Pinciroli (Italy)
512-038 Internet based Telehealth in Speech Pathology: Results of Preliminary Trials
L. Wilson, L. McAllister, J. Atkinson, and P. Sefton (Australia)
512-040 Beyond Videoconference: A Literature Review of Store-and-Forward Applications in Telehealth
L. Reimer, L. Liu, and I. Henderson (Canada)
512-044 Videoconferencing in the In-Service Education of Health Care Staff in Northern Finland
H. Alatalo, R.-L. Kortesluoma, M.-L. Kuusimäki, and J. Moring (Finland)
512-051 Impact of a Videoconference Brain Injury Rehabilitation Curriculum on the Clinical Practice of Participants
D.S. Gray, C. Richards, M. Konrad, and E. Tian (Canada)
512-055 Exploring Multi-Agent Autonomic Architectures for Telehealth Systems
G. Pour (USA)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $35.40 (Online) ;  $53.40 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Online Edition $35.40
CD Edition $53.40
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
Hard Copy Subscriptions are not available for Telehealth 2006
ISBN: 0-88986-571-X ;
ISSN (CD): N/A ;
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-573-6 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This publication covers the following topics: Clinical Services; Methods and Systems; and Web and Videos.

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