Artificial Intelligence and Applications    (AIA 2006)

February 13 – 16, 2006
Innsbruck, Austria
Editor(s): V. Deved
515 pages
Other Years:

Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
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Track Genetic Algorithms FreeSubscription
502-001 Keynote: Automated Trading - Making It Happen
J. Debenham (Australia)
502-053 A General Framework for Statistical Performance Comparison of Evolutionary Computation Algorithms
D. Shilane (USA), J. Martikainen (Finland), S. Dudoit (USA), and S.J. Ovaska (Finland)
502-098 Multiple Pedestrians Recognition using Hybrid GA for Driving Assistance System
H. Suzuki and M. Minami (Japan)
502-119 A Genetic Algorithm for Simplifying the Amino Acid Alphabet in Bioinformatics Applications
M. Palensky and H. Ali (USA)
502-132 Relay Node Placement in Energy-Constrained Networks using SOMA Evolutionary Algorithm
M. Červenka and I. Zelinka (Czech Republic)
502-161 Search Space Extension and PGAs: A Comparative Study of Parallelization Schemes to Genetic Algorithms using the TSP
K. Davoian (Germany)
502-192 Comparing a Genetic Algorithm Penalty Function and Repair Heuristic in the DSP Application Domain
G. Gréwal, S. Coros, D. Banerji, and A. Morton (Canada)
Track AI Techniques and Algorithms FreeSubscription
502-028 Texture Image Recognizing Method based on Ant Colony Algorithm
X. Bi and X. Sun (PRC)
502-031 Wavelet Compression of Fingerprints and Recognition using Moment Invariants
T.-K. Lin (Taiwan)
502-050 Soft Computing in Engineering Design Optimisation - Optimiser Behaviour Evaluation through Stochastic Analysis
L. Drack (Australia)
502-054 Incomplete Solution Approach for the Maximum Clique Finding in the Real Time Systems
D. Kumlander (Estonia)
502-082 Evolving Plans for the KRKa2 Chess Ending
R. Alquézar, A. Gonzalez Camargo, and A. González Romero (Spain)
502-162 Optimal Path Planning using an Improved A* Algorithm for Homeland Security Applications
A. Veeraswamy and B. Amavasai (UK)
502-169 A Co-operative Methodology for Automatic Solutions to Problems in Indefinite Integral Calculus
J. Agarkhed, V. Burakpalli, and B. Anami (India)
Track Natural Language Processing FreeSubscription
502-070 Mining Causality Knowledge from Textual Data
C. Pechsiri, A. Kawtrakul, and R. Piriyakul (Thailand)
502-107 A Method for Classifying Emotion of Text based on Emotional Dictionaries for Emotional Reading
F. Sugimoto and M. Yoneyama (Japan)
502-116 Computational Model of Speech Understanding
D.N. Müller, and P.O.A. Navaux (Brazil)
502-117 Investigating Esperanto's Statistical Proportions Relative to other Languages using Neural Networks and Zipf's Law
B. Manaris, L. Pellicoro, G. Pothering, and H. Hodges (USA)
502-141 Error Analysis and Handling in Arabic ICALL Systems
K.F. Shaalan and H.E. Talhami (UAE)
502-157 Enhancing Robustness of Speech Recognition by Approach of Feature with Confident Weight
L. Ge, K. Shirai (Japan), and Y. Ge (PRC)
Track Applications FreeSubscription
502-025 Near Unity Power Factor Single-Phase to Three-Phase Converter Feeding an Induction Motor
A. Maamoun, A.M. Soliman, and A.M. Kheireldin (Egypt)
502-032 The Usage of Independent Component Analysis for Robust Speaker Verification
A. Şentürk and F.S. Gürgen (Turkey)
502-076 A Swarm Intelligence Approach to Counting Stacked Symmetric Objects
C. George and J. Wolfer (USA)
502-120 An Ontology based Reflection Support System to Encourage Learning from Mistakes
K. Seta, T. Kajino, M. Umano, and M. Ikeda (Japan)
502-124 On Retrieval Performance of Malay Textual Documents
M.P. Hamzah and T.M.T. Sembok (Malaysia)
502-131 A Swarm based Approach to Medical Image Analysis
W. Fledelius and B.H. Mayoh (Denmark)
502-142 Color Image Compression using Self Organizing Feature Map
B. Diri and S. Albayrak (Turkey)
502-156 A Novel Method of Watermarking Relational Databases using Character String
Y. Zhang, X.-M. Niu, A. Khan, Q. Li, and Q. Han (PRC)
Track Neural Networks FreeSubscription
502-043 Recurrent and Concurrent Neural Networks for Objects Recognition
F. Cecconi and M. Campenní (Italy)
502-047 Incremental Evolution of Trainable Neural Networks that are Backwards Compatible
C. Christenson and K. Kaikhah (USA)
502-049 Principal Component Analysis and Neural Networks for Analysis of Complex Spectral Data from Ion Backscattering
M.M. Li, X. Fan, and K. Tickle (Australia)
502-060 Mineral Prospectivity Prediction using Interval Neutrosophic Sets
P. Kraipeerapun, C.C. Fung, W. Brown, and K.-W. Wong (Australia)
502-074 Cellular Neural Networks: A Unified Analysis of the Stability Issue
Y. Bénédic and J. Mercklé (France)
502-078 A Simulated Annealing-based Learning Algorithm for Block-Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks
P.A. Mastorocostas, D.N. Varsamis, and C.A. Mastorocostas (Greece)
502-095 Kohonen Feature Map Associative Memory with Area Representation
H. Abe and Y. Osana (Japan)
502-097 Hetero Chaotic Associative Memory for Successive Learning with Give Up Function –One-to-Many Associations–
T. Arai and Y. Osana (Japan)
502-103 A Novel Classification Method for Predicting the Casting Behaviour in the Steelmaking Practice
M. Vannucci and V. Colla (Italy)
502-111 Two Biologically Plausible Network Architectures for the Avoidance of Catastrophic Interference
J.F.D. Addison and J. MacIntyre (UK)
502-136 An Extended Evaluation Framework for Neural Network Publications in Sales Forecasting
S.F. Crone (UK) and D.B. Preßmar (Germany)
502-183 Some Experiments Around a Neural Network for Multimodal Associations
B. Yann and R. Abdelmalek (France)
502-184 Swarm Bias-Variance Analysis of an Evolutionary Neural Network Classifier
E. Miguelanez (UK) and A.M.S. Zalzala (UAE)
502-185 Analysis & Comparison of Neural Network Training Algorithms for the Joint Time-Frequency Analysis
J. Ahmad, I. Shafi, S.I. Shah (Pakistan), and F.M. Kashif (USA)
502-186 FPGA-Targeted Neural Architecture for Embedded Alertness Detection
B. Girau (France) and K.B. Khalifa (Tunisia)
502-189 A Neural Network Classification of Credit Applicants in Consumer Credit Scoring
N. Sarlija, M. Bensic, and M. Zekic-Susac (Croatia)
Track Reasoning FreeSubscription
502-096 Simulation of Events using Contour Map in the Virtual Environment
K.-Y. Oh, B.-J. Kim, J.-W. Kwon, S.-J. Ji, and J.-H. Park (Korea)
502-113 Bayesian Network based Human Pose Estimation
D.J. Jung, K.S. Kwon, and H.J. Kim (Korea)
502-114 Speeding Up Model-based Diagnosis by a Heuristic Approach to Solving SAT
B. Stein, O. Niggemann, and T. Lettmann (Germany)
502-179 Synthesizing Diagnostic Explanations from Monitoring Data in Multi-Robot Systems
R. Micalizio, P. Torasso, and G. Torta (Italy)
502-193 Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Reducing Retrieval Time in Large Case-based Reasoning Systems
F. Martinez and L. Garrido (Mexico)
Track Knowledge Representation FreeSubscription
502-030 Some Semantics for a Logical Language for the Game of Dominoes
F.R. Velázquez-Quesada and F. Hernández-Quiroz (Mexico)
502-067 Knowledge Representation and Case-based Reasoning in a Knowledge Management System for Ambient Intelligence Products
L. Urosevic (Germany), S. Kopacsi (Hungary), D. Stokic, A.R. Campos (Germany), and G. Bognar (Hungary)
502-071 Tree Model of Symbolic Music for Tonality Guessing
D. Rizo, J.M. Iñesta, and P.J. Ponce de León (Spain)
502-091 Analysis of Chord Progression by HPSG
S. Tojo, Y. Oka, and M. Nishida (Japan)
502-127 A Mathematical Model for Argument Procedures based on Indian Philosophy
G.S. Mahalakshmi and T.V. Geetha (India)
502-170 Browsing and Searching MPEG-7 Images using Formal Concept Analysis
J. Ducrou and P. Eklund (Australia)
502-181 Stable Legal Knowledge with Regard to Contradictory Arguments
S. Hagiwara and S. Tojo (Japan)
Track Fuzzy Logic and Systems FreeSubscription
502-014 Simulated Annealing Assisted Optimization of Fuzzy Rules for Maximizing Tool Life in High-Speed Milling Process
A. Iqbal, N. He, L. Li (PRC), and N.U. Dar (Pakistan)
502-079 A Recurrent Neural Filter for Adaptive Noise Cancellation
P.A. Mastorocostas, D.N. Varsamis, C.A. Mastorocostas, and C.S. Hilas (Greece)
502-087 Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling of Superheating System of a Steam Power Plant
A.R. Mehrabian, A. Yousefi-Koma, M. Mohammad-Zaheri, A. Ghaffari, and D. Mehrabi (Iran)
502-174 To Identify Suspicious Activity in Anomaly Detection based on Soft Computing
W. Chimphlee (Thailand), M.N.M. Sap, A.H. Abdullah (Malaysia), S. Chimphlee, and S. Srinoy (Thailand)
502-178 Fuzzy and Tile Coding Function Approximation in Agent Coevolution
L. Tokarchuk, J. Bigham, and L. Cuthbert (UK)
Track Data Mining and Web Mining FreeSubscription
502-022 Focused Crawling Guided by Link Context
J. Dong, W. Zuo, and T. Peng (PRC)
502-024 Association Rule based Classifier Built via Direct Enumeration, Online Pruning and Genetic Algorithm based Rule Decimation
J.-M. Adamo (France)
502-026 Efficient Mining Maximum Frequent Pagesets with Double Dwell Time Constraint
J. Ren, X. Zhang (PRC), and T.B. Hodel-Widmer (Switzerland)
502-034 Feature Selection in Predicting the Activity of Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors
S. Zhang, Y. Zhao, J. Wang, and Z. Yang (PRC)
502-039 Tools for Privacy Preserving Kernel Methods in Data Mining
H. Wan and H. He (PRC)
502-058 Efficient Algorithm for Calculating Similarity between Trajectories Containing an Increasing Dimension
P. Laurinen, P. Siirtola, and J. Röning (Finland)
502-083 Text Classification based on the Bias of Word Frequency over Categories
M. Suzuki (Japan)
502-086 On Topologies Defined by Binary Relations in Rough Sets
M. Kondo (Japan)
502-126 Document Clustering based on Similarity of Subjects using Integrated Subject Graph
M. Nakada and Y. Osana (Japan)
502-144 Cluster Analysis of Traffic Flows on a Campus Network
A. Karim, I. Ahmad, S.I. Jami, and M. Sarwar (Pakistan)
502-810 Independent Component Analysis and Rough Fuzzy based Approach to Web Usage Mining
S. Chimphlee (Thailand), N. Salim, M.S.B. Ngadiman (Malaysia), W. Chimphlee and S. Srinoy (Thailand)
Track Machine Learning FreeSubscription
502-062 Kernel Rewards Regression: An Information Efficient Batch Policy Iteration Approach
D. Schneegaß, S. Udluft, and T. Martinetz (Germany)
502-065 Frequent Pattern Discovery in Online Environment
J. Dvorak (Czech Republic)
502-073 Combining Forecasts with Blind Signal Separation Methods in Electric Load Prediction Framework
R. Szupiluk, P. Wojewnik, and T. Zabkowski (Poland)
502-075 A Static Images Based-System for Traffic Signs Detection
V. Moreno, A. Ledezma, and A. Sanchis (Spain)
502-093 Turning Lights Out with DQ-Learning
D.V. Batalov and B.J. Oommen (Canada)
502-173 An Improved Method for the Character Recognition based on SVM
C. Hu, Y. Zhao, J. Wang, and Z. Yang (PRC)
502-188 Granular Computing in Computer Image Perception: Basic Issues and Glass Box Models
S.A. Butenkov, V.V. Krivsha, and A. Dhouyani Saud (Russia)
Track Intelligent Agents FreeSubscription
502-009 Intelligent Agents for Multi-Issue Auctions and Bidding
J. Debenham and S. Simoff (Australia)
502-064 The Development of an Intelligent Library Assistant Robot
J. Behan and D.T. O'Keeffe (Ireland)
502-072 Economy-Like Reward Distribution for Division of Labor
M. Saitoh and Y. Oyama (Japan)
502-089 An Elaborated Knowledge Structure for Implementing a Virtual Inhabitant
S.-J. Ji, J.-W. Kwon, B.-J. Kim, and J.-H. Park (South Korea)
502-092 State Updating of Channel Communication System CBCTL
S. Yoshioka, M. Kobayashi, and S. Tojo (Japan)
502-123 Implementation of Biases Observed in Child Development into Concept Learning Agent
R. Taguchi, M. Kimura, S. Shinohara, K. Katsurada, and T. Nitta (Japan)
502-175 A Decision Support Model for Wireless Information Management using Mobile Agents
A. Aneiba, S.J. Rees, and C. Chibelushi (UK)
Abstracts may contain minor errors and formatting inconsistencies.
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

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Rates (USD):   N/A (Hardcopy) ;  $129.00 (Online) ;  $147.00 (CD)

(The Hardcopy and CD proceedings also include the Online version)

For complete proceedings please choose one of the following:


Online Edition $129.00
CD Edition $147.00
Individual Articles (Online): $40.00  
Hard Copy Subscriptions are not available for AIA 2006
ISSN: 1925-7937 ;
ISBN: 0-88986-556-6 ;
ISSN (CD): 1924-200X ;
ISBN (CD): 0-88986-558-2 ;
ISSN (Online): N/A ;

This publication covers the following topics: Genetic Algorithms; AI Techniques and Algorithms; Natural Language Processing; Applications; Neural Networks; Reasoning; Knowledge Representation; Fuzzy Logic and Systems; Data Mining and Web Mining; Machine Learning; and Intelligent Agents.

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