Simulation and Models on Control of Pests with Ozone in Greenhouses Plant

Rongchang Yuan, Si Chen, Zhengjiang Li, Shengrong Lu, Li Wang, and Haigan Yuan


Anti-Pest, Dust Method, Runge-Kutta Algorithm, Pesticide Residue


The article first models the relationship between the growth of plants and the population of pest. Because the growth rate of plants in the greenhouse can be easily affected by pest infestation and the population of pest is related to the number of plants since plants are their food source. As for the pest control, the article describes two common ways including Dust Method (DM), which faces a big problem of pesticide-wasting and unevenly spraying of the active ingredients; and Smoke Fume Control (SFC), which is a better choice for a small confined space (e.g., greenhouses). Then the article describes the pesticide spraying phenomenon based on the SFC method. Since the use of traditional pesticide always implicit certain side-effects on the environment or on people, therefore, in the last part of the article we mainly discuss the using of O3 as pesticide in the greenhouse from the diffusion model to optimal diffusion design

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