Application of a Dynamic Computational GIS Modeling Methodology for Exposure and Dose Risk Assessment

G. Magro (UK), S. Scarpanti, M. Sumini, and F. Teodori (Italy)


Assessment, Geographic Information Systems, Dynamic G.I.S., stressor-vulnerability analysis, dose, exposure


An application of Dynamic Computational G.I.S methodology in an Exposure Risk Assessment and Dose Assessment based on numerical matrix interaction is here presented. Dynamic Computational G.I.S. (DCGIS) is a methodology based on U.S E.P.A. Ecological Risk Assessment and Exposure Assessment Guidelines. Such a methodology is supported by a newly developed Java based software tool working by means of the setup of stressor-vulnerability maps correlations. In this framework it is possible to set several kinds of correlations between stressor matrixes and vulnerability maps in order to compute multi-level risk maps for any specific correlation frame. The software tool produces also technical reports with numerical data concerning the exposure surfaces and the specific dose distribution. The domain of the assessed area can be characterized in a grid-matrix frame and several stressor matrixes can be set for each emission source. The software tool analyser produces comparative risk maps, which are useful for both assessors and managers, mainly when they need different information levels. It is significant to say that the methodology is very appropriate for cumulative and/or interacting effects evaluation which are strategically important in planning activities involving also wide critical areas with ecological protected sites, population centres and industrial developments.

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